A Seasoned Vs Old Person

Those of you who know me personally might be aware that I don't use the word "old".  I don't think that people should be referred to with a word like old and I believe that as we live longer lives we are wiser and that we can be looked upon as "seasoned".  For me the word seasoned means that we have lived a good life and that we have gone from one season to another experiencing life and the many ups and downs of it.  I don't see the word old as one that honors any human being for their acquisition of wisdom and the things they have been able to overcome.  I for one consider myself a seasoned man not an "old man".

There are so many meanings to the word old but the one that I am not in agreement with is the connotation that older is less than and younger is more important.  Unfortunately we live in a world where youth is celebrated and seasoned people are looked down on.  The thought is that younger people are more attractive or that they are more valuable and in some cases we eliminate people based on their age.  This kind of thinking has endured for many centuries until now.  I think that what has changed is that women, especially, have come to a place where they make sure to look and feel great at any age.  Now the tides have changed because women have made it clear that they can do anything and be any image at any age.  Women have led the fight against age labeling and age discrimination.  They are putting on that low cut dress and heels at 60 and flaunting their beautiful self to everyone else fearlessly.  The very meaning of the word "old" is now officially blurred.

So what is a seasoned woman or man?  A seasoned person is one that lives life actively and with lots of joy.  A seasoned person does not worry about their age when it comes to fashion and looking great all the time. A seasoned person goes out dancing with friends and is actively participating in life.  Most of all a seasoned person does not allow any myths about aging to stop them from doing exactly what they want to do and enjoy doing.  A seasoned person is one that lives out of the box and does things that defy what others believe are the limits.  In fact he or she does not see any limitations or reasons for it.

I consider myself a seasoned person.  I dress in what most might consider modern and stylish clothing.  Sometimes I feel like dressing conservatively while at other times I dress very contemporary.  I go out to eat alone and I catch a movie on half price Tuesdays.  I go our dancing at least once a week and I hang out on my deck reading a book during the day.  I cook for myself and wash my own clothing.  In a nutshell I simply live my life fully and without any restrictions on where I go and how I dress.  A great day is when I get up because the fact that I did is a blessing.  Every day that I live I feel is a celebration and every day I try to do something that is about celebrating my life.  Being a seasoned man really means living as though age does not matter because in reality it does not matter one bit.  As long as I can move about I will do things that defy my 62 years on this earth and that say to others that I am vibrant and valuable today and now.

I would like to encourage all of you to rock your life no matter what age you are.  I want to encourage all of you to find what brings you happiness and do it often.  I want to push you all to do as much as you can to stay active and healthy.  Ride your bike, go for fast walks, get on that treadmill and dance, dance, dance.  Never give up and never believe that you are "too old" for anything.


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