Daughter's and Dads

I am a proud dad of two daughters that are 38 and 33 years young.  I say young because they will forever be daddy's girls, as often times they remind me of.  I guess I am a little different in that I never really worried about having a son to "carry the name" because I believe that my daughters will carry it with them just as well as any male.  I can proudly say that I can tie a perfect bow and that having daughters is the best thing that ever happened to me.

My heart breaks for some of my daughter's friends who don't have their dads in their life.  Although they are doing well I think there is a spot in their heart that must miss that kind of love, the kind of love I have for my daughters.  All of their lives many of their friends have looked to me as a dad figure and I am certainly honored to be that to them however minor.  As I sit here and think of some of those women I send them love and light because it is not easy to not have a dad in your life.  I know because I don't have a dad in my life.

I think it is sometimes harder for females without fathers.  I know that many go through life looking for that father and sometimes find him in a bullying male or a man who mistreats them.  Often times they feel underserving of anything better and so they tolerate abuse that they should not ever consider accepting as normal.  Most women are aware that they have father issues and that they may be playing out that pain in the bad relationships with men.  Yet for so many women the abuse is rampant and there needs to be an application of healing in their lives.

I have no judgements of women who accept men who don't respect them.  I believe that men have a responsibility towards women to defend them and to make sure that we intervene when possible, becoming the voice of women against the abuse by men.  It is because these women did not have a father figure that they accept men who are less than loving towards them.

Daughters are very special people in a dad's life and when they don't have a father the rest of us dads can volunteer to mentor them whether we are an uncle or a close friend of a mom who is single.  We cannot replace a biological dad yet we can mentor a girl and make her feel worthwhile, giving her advise that perhaps a woman may not know enough about.

Men can be mentors to girls and provide some of the support, encouragement and love to girls that may not be their child.  I take my hat off to men like my brother in law who raised my sister's daughter as if she was his own and even adopted her later in life.  It is a beautiful example of how a man can step up and provide that brand of love to a girl and many men can do the same.

Daughters are the best.  They rarely find fault in their fathers.  As interesting as it seems the term "daddy's girl" is truly a blessing.  We fathers don't often see it but we get a privilege that mothers don't get.  While girls are rebelling against their moms many times the dad is relieved of that extra tension and work as a parent.  He is deemed special and for those of us who have done our best it's an honor that our girls feel that way towards us.  All that love and compassion that we receive from our daughters is a blessing and there is really no other way to look at it.

What I will say about daughters and dads is that there is a very unique bond there.  The kind of love and loyalty we get from a daughter is magical and there is really nothing more wonderful.  I love my daughters and what I know is that I don't really always deserve to be so loved and raised up but I appreciate it.  Yet my daughters will remind me that I do deserve it.  They shower me with a brand of love that can only come from the goddess energy.  No matter how long I am on this earth what I will recall is that I was loved unconditionally by two wonderful human beings who chose to be my friends.
Dedicated to my daughters: Camille Marie and Taina Luz.  I love you my precious butterflies, with all my heart and soul.


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