Make Valentine's Day Special

Although there are plenty of chocolates and floral arrangements out there for Valentine's Day I want to share some more unique last minute ideas with all of you:

Bud vase and flower: 
Buy one great looking flower of a higher quality and a bud vase.  The most simple single flower will look great inside a small vase with a small opening.  It can be a larger flower like a white Lilly or a Gerber daisy.  Better one flower than a bunch of cheap flowers that are going to wilt in a short time.

Make a card: 
Get some craft paper and make your own card.  See what is laying around the house and use it to make a very special home made card for the one you love.  Some card stock paper and a little Elmer's glue could be all that you need.  A card you make yourself will be appreciated even more than a store bought expensive Hallmark card.

Sew something sweet: 
Get a remnant piece of fabric from JoAnne's or another fabric store and make a scarf or a pillow that says I love you.  It can be a heart pattern or just a red and white stripe.  Some fabric paint of markers can be used to write something on it or you can buy an iron on initial to give it a special touch.

Buy some matching underwear in red: 
Get some matching underwear in red for you and for her.  If you don't find red then get black ones.  The idea is to be sexy and offer yourself up for the night.

Strawberries and whip cream: 
Get some strawberries and whip cream and serve it to her in bed.  Feed her and allow her to feed you as well.  Get playful with the two elements by putting some on him or her in areas where they may delight in the feeling of touch.

Surprise date: 
Call your loved one at work and let them know you are coming by or would like to meet them for a date.  Take your love out for the night of dinner and dancing.  Go to that special place to eat and then go dance the night away.

Read poems in bed: 
Get a book of poems that are romantic and take turns reading them to one another staying: "this one is for you my love".  After wards talk about what it felt like to hear those loving words.  Combine this with some tasty strawberries.

Hide cut out heart messages: 
Hide about five or six cut out hearts with love messages on them like: I love you because you nurture me.  I love you because you are so beautiful inside and out.  I love you because you are so kind to every one you meet.  Make them messages about what you love about them.  Watch how emotional this will be and truly embrace it.

Order food and set the table with: 
Order his or her favorite food and set a beautiful table with tea lights (less mess).  Serve your loved one and dress in something sexy while you are doing so.  By the time dinner ends there will likely be some very fun play time.  Don't give it up until after dinner when you say: It's time for your dessert.

I hope this gives you some good ideas.  Enjoy "Love Day".
Coach Elliott Maximo


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