Five Ways To Finding A Love

I have decided that this will be concise and brief in that it will simply list the five ways to find a love or someone who you would resonate with, someone who is meant for you: 

1. Let it happen organically, naturally: Don't look for him or her.  Let love find you while you are busily doing things that are loving and joyful.  Don't think about it too much.  The more you live your life fully the more you will attract a person into your energy and into your already great life.

2. Determine your readiness: The first thing to do is to ask yourself if you are ready for love or if you have a willingness for love to come into your life.  Speak the words: "I am ready for love and I know that I can operate in a loving manner with another person." You can make up your own mantra as long as it reinforces that you are ready and that your heart is truly open.

3. Eliminate Blockages: Address any obstacles or distractions in your life.  If there is someone you are seeing and it is not in your best interest, consider getting out of the relationship.  When you are in a poor vibrating relationship it will black out your true love, the one that is meant to be.  Eliminate any kind of distraction in your life by making the choice to live in a higher vibration.  Most of all if you are revisiting a bad situation, release it to make room for the new love that will come when you decide to let go.

4. Do some self actualization: Sit down and think about where you are at in your life.  Is there something that needs an application of compassion, understanding or healing?  Become honest with yourself and begin to do the self-work and self-actualizing that is needed to clear the cobwebs and start that heart centered journey.

5. Steer clear of the artificial approaches to meeting someone: Speed dating, online dating and dating services are all "cute" but the fact remains that they are artificial and forced ways to meet someone.  Each creates a kind of fake environment for finding an authentic person and finding someone authentic doesn't have to feel forced or set up.  When we are desperately seeking Susan we are setting ourselves up for failure.  Bars for example are usually a good way to meet an alcoholic or someone who wants some sex for the night.  It is not reality but rather a venue that invites unnatural and negative outcomes.  Trust that you will meet someone because it was meant to happen not because you forced it.

The more ready you are to love yourself and focus on your level of happiness the more likely that others will want to be in your circle.  It is when your circle is beautiful and light that your will attract beauty and light.  
Coach Elliott


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