Just Chill

What most of us want in life is peace, serenity and calm yet it is the least intentional act we pursue.  Today I would like to talk about how to get into that center and experience that peace and balance we are intended to feel every day.  Although most of you may think this is something that will come to you naturally the reality is that we must intend it and bring it to ourselves by doing and thinking in a way that invites that brand of balance into our lives.  

Here's how: 

Be Quiet and Look Inside: 
Take the time every day to become quiet.  Sit down or lay down, close your eyes and hold reverence for a minimum of 15 minutes.  For most of us this is difficult and we are especially skeptical of the benefits of becoming silent.  Even walking around our home and asking everyone to hold silence is a powerful experience.  This is. Time that you invite yourself to look inside and be grateful for what you have in your life.  This is a time to feel your breath and feel the beat of your heart.  

Sit Outdoors and Take Nature In: 
Every couple of days if it is possible sit outside and let the nature that surrounds you embrace you.  Take the time to feel the breeze, the grass under your feet, the clouds moving above you.  Note how expansive the world is around you and take deep intentional breaths.  Breathe and hold your hand over your heart as you stand and turn around taking in every plant, bird, tree, flower around you.  Do this as often as you can as a way to remind yourself just how beautiful an earth you live in.  Lay or sit down and just enjoy the moment without pondering anything but the moment staying completely present.  Oh yes, consider a forest preserve for this chilling activity.  

Move, Dance, Stretch: 
Put on some music you love.  I listen to my Pandora station I labeled as Buddha Bar.  It is music one can move to in a way that is softer and more about love.  It can be about a dance like movement or it can incorporate stretching and just moving about using every part of your body.  At some point or towards the end do some basic stretches.  Let your body sway to each side and let the music direct you.  As you do these movements stay silent and no matter how you feel you will begin to smile and become that inner child that is a part of who you are and always will be.  Do this for 15-20 minutes and if you can do this outside all the better.  Perhaps passers by may join you if your heart is open.  

Comedy and Laughter: 
We are well aware of the healing nature of laughter yet we don't purposely set out to laugh.  We can force ourselves to laugh and the more we practice it the better and more authentic it will feel, however there are television shows and videos that will help us along.  I love "laff" TV where is it all comedy shows like Rosanne and Carol Burnett.  I really love my videos of the "I Love Lucy" show.  She is by far one of the best comedians ever and she will make me laugh every single time.  Eliciting laughter is easy when you set out to accomplish it and there is nothing more chilling and more relaxing than a good laugh.  Looking at life as "not that serious" is helpful in finding that funny bone inside of us.  Now go ahead and lay down and watch a funny movie, show or video and just laugh.  

Make A Beautiful Meal For One: 
I am always very proud of myself when I make myself a great meal, set the table with care and use my linen napkins.  I arrange everything ahead of time and include my best dishes, flat wear and cool napkin rings.  I take my time cooking a meal that is healthy and tasty while listening to Michael Buble or Luis Miguel.  I light the tea lights inside the crystal square holders setting the romantic tone for myself.  Once the food is ready I careful arrange it onto the plate, set it down and say a short prayer of gratitude.  Making yourself a meal can and is so lovely and so self loving.  

There you have it my friends.  Enjoy this dear and do so with the intention to bring peace into every part of your being.  

Coach Elliott 


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