Not Knowing Is Knowing

I have often thought about what it would be like to know.  Know your path, know what you want, know what is right for you and know where you want to be in life.  Then I realized that knowing everything is really not the goal at all because sometimes it is about not knowing and surrendering in the moment, with the experience and allowing ourselves to flow freely.  It is now at my seasoned state that I understand that I don't have to know and that in fact there is so little I really know.  Just being on the journey seems to be enough for me now more than ever before.

I think it is more about courage and trust than knowing.  I believe that what I have needed in my life is to have the courage to face the next barrier and to trust that if I release certain things I have no control or power over that in the end it will be fine.  It is kind of like this awakening in life that one has at a certain time of ones life.  I get it now and feel like what matters is my willingness to give in and to allow my life and energy to just have its way with me.  I don't feel like I must know that outcome anymore.

I am more irritable now when others want to plan everything.  I think that for many people this need to control and plan it all from moment to moment is about not feeling the present moment, the present experience no the feelings what we have when life becomes still.  I have understood now that I don't want to be busy and running about like most people.  I actually prefer being still more and more and allowing life to be and change in any moment.  I love the spontaneous circumstances I find myself in now.  It is much more of a delightful surprise.

I am not saying to you that nothing needs to be planned but I am saying that life does not always need to be planned and controlled and on some schedule.  I am saying that when we show up for life with courage and intention it can be so much more fun and much like a surprise like when you bite a chocolate in a box of many and in that moment you know what flavor is inside and that every chocolate will be different.  That for me is exciting.

Let me just end this with this loving thought.  No one knows you better than you know yourself.  There will be many people in your life that will lead you to go in their direction but the trick to living your life is to do so knowing that you can just be and enjoy the moment without giving into what others expect or want of you.  Learning to do that takes time and effort but the more you practice living life without attempting to control it the more life you will live.

Coach Elliott


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