
This blog is dedicated to my brothers out there.  It is my hope that with this blog and eventual book that I will reach men who may have questions about life matters and specifically about women and relationships.  This blog is about being what you expect of a woman, whether it is for her to be honest with you or dancing a sexy dance for her.  By being what you want in a woman you will understand more fully that relationship is about showing up and modeling things that you yearn for in a partner, wife, girlfriend or lover.

Be sexy: 
Men want their women to be sensual and many times will ask a woman to wear a sexy night gown, maybe ever buying their wife or girlfriend and see through sexy outfit.  Yet what men fail to understand is that women like sexy men and that they would appreciate a man in some sexy knit boxers, maybe ever red ones.  Being a little sexy does not take a lot of work so while you are out there looking get yourself a sexy pair of underwear to match.

Ask questions and listen attentively: 
Just as we like women to listen to us we must be great listeners as well.  Taking the time each day to ask your beloved a simple question like: "how was your day?" or "tell me about your evening"  a man can elicit a connection and show interest in their partner.  Overall women are better listeners and we must step up to the challenge and become better listeners.  If men want women to listen to them and ask them how they are doing they must learn to do the same for them.

Plan activities: 
Taking the initiative to plan things with your loved one is a way of showing interest and keeping the relationship fresh and active.  Making a plan to have a romantic dinner or a movie can be one of many things men can do to show our women that we love them, appreciate them and are willing to take the time and effort to plan a nice connective activity.  By doing this you are thanking the lady that you care about and who loves you. Allowing the cards to just fall wherever they fall is lazy and we don't want the person we love to believe that of us.

Groom and take care in your image: 
Just because you have her now does not mean that you don't have to continue to be appealing and do the things needed to be fit and attractive.  It is interesting to see how many overweight men have a slender wife.  I cannot help but to look and ask myself: "does he not see how he looks and how his wife looks?".  When the shoe is on the other foot men will and have complained even justifying an affair because of his wife's weight.  Grooming yourself and doing the exercise needed to stay fit and handsome is part of honoring your beloved in the same way that you like to be honored.  It is not just for each other but for yourself and then the bonus is that it effects the relationship in a positive manner.  It shows your beloved you care about yourself and about her.

Give her space: 
Men often complain about women being too smothering yet many men don't encourage their loved one to enjoy time alone or with friends.  I was often baffled when people thought me odd because on a yearly basis I would take an alone vacation for a few days when I was married.  Supporting and encouraging her to be alone or take time to go out with friends, even go on a vacation with her friends is a way of showing love and at the same time getting some space for yourself.  Even if you don't want alone time it is healthy for any relationship to spend alone time.  Your beloved does not need permission from you to do this and if she does then something is wrong.  Asking if you are OK with it is one thing but literally needing your approval is a sign of something that could end a relationship. Both of you need to know that alone time is something that is a given and that revamps that relationship.  Asking her to be there 24-7 is asking way to much of any partner.

TheZen4Men Series: Level 1 


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