TheZen4Men: Say Yes

"You owe it to yourself to say yes to the challenge and no to the spectators".  Elliott Collazo 

I have often looked around to see who saw me fall and perhaps some of you have done the same.  I think it to be this instinctive response to the fact that we are sometimes so concerned about who is looking.  We fall and we immediately want to know if someone is laughing at us and if we should be embarrassed.  The idea of walking and falling in life as if no one is looking is akin to the notion that we can be so free if we just dance as if no one is watching and laugh as if no one is listening.  We falsely yearn for someone to be there approving of our dance or laughing with us so that we might feel more validated.

We owe it to ourselves to say yes to every moment, every experienced and even those times when life is challenging us.  We must learn to find importance in laughter without any regard to who laughs with us but with the intention to simply laugh with an open heart.  So often we make our dance contingent on someone else being there to dance with us and we think we need spectators to clap for us and crave the attention of others as if that were the most important aspect of our experiences.  If we laugh out loud and are alone we think, oh that was crazy.  It is exactly the reason that we censor out own joy because we are looking for an audience, someone, anyone to make our experience more meaningful, missing the fact that our experience is our own and it can be full and complete in our state of oneness.

Life has plenty of meaning without someone else to experience life with.  It is lovely to have family and friends yet learning to show up for our own spirit is a crucial aspect of life.  We owe it to ourselves to look life in the face and live it even when no one is watching and no one is approving of us. When we do this we find that life is a beautiful dance even if we are dancing alone sometimes.  Life can be adventurous without people to cheer us on.  The fact is that more often than not many of us will navigate each day alone and that my beloveds should be enough motivation.

Elliott Collazo
June 21, 2017


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