New Year Evolution (continued)

I would like to continue the theme of evolving and making this the focus of the new year that is fast approaching.  I want to encourage you to let go of the old belief that there is a need for resolutions and to approach this year as a year of evolving and transforming.  Here are some tips that might be useful. 

Have a plan.  Having a plan when needed is a way of making sure that you get around to making your dreams and goals actualize.  Although there is not always a need for a plan we can sense when and if we need to make one.  As you think about the new year consider what it is in your life that either needs to be executed or needs to be healed.  A plan has to include the various parts of who you are as a whole.  The spiritual part, the physical part, the emotional part, the financial aspects, the emotional part and the creative joy aspect.  Your plan can be one that encompasses a year in your life.  It will have parts that will be ongoing like daily prayer or meditation.  You may have an ongoing goal of working out four days a week or have a short term goal like hiring a trainer or housekeeper.  It might even be writing a love letter to someone you care deeply about and want to connect with.  Whatever your plan is make it one that is realistic and genuine to you.  Have one larger goal like writing a children's book or taking a month off in Paris. Ask yourself, "What steps need to happen so that I can achieve my larger goal?" and list these items and give yourself a deadline to accomplish it.  If it's children's book then writing twenty minutes a day five days a week would make sense and help you get to that goal of finishing a book.  Then there is the part when you submit your book to the publishers and before that researching the format of a manuscript and how it can be best presented.  Make your plan beautiful and colorful and unique looking.  Use a format that best fits for you and that depicts it in a way that is organized and easy for you to  read and review.  This could include sections, lines, boxes and maybe color coding.  There is a reason that women say, "I like a man with a plan" and with that said I want to invite all of you to begin your plan on January 15, 2013. 

Heal the part that need to be healed in your life.  Think about the one thing in your life that you have been trying to heal.  This would be that one thing that is occupying a lot of time in your head and hurting your heart and health.  Take that one thing and write it down completing this thought, "I am ready to be healed of..."  What is that one thing that you want to be healed of?  Take that paper and a fire proof container and burn it.  As it burns just sit in silence and allow yourself to feel whatever feelings arise.  Now ask yourself how you will heal this one part of your life.  It may be that you will seek counseling or it could be that you will write about it in a journal to assist you in releasing it and healing.  Sometimes healing includes others that we need to have a heart to heart talk with.  For some of you it may be helpful to look back at pictures from when you were younger and writing to that child that was hurt and needs to be heard.  Looking at pictures of when we were younger elicits emotional feelings.  Don't be afraid of to allow those feelings to be felt.  Healing is different for each person and we intuitively know what we need to do to heal.  Asking for guidance is the first step in every endeavor to heal.  Ask your source to help you to find the wisdom and compassion to heal.  Ask your self if you are willing to  take this path of healing.  If the answer is yes then you are ready to begin the process of evolving into the joy that you may have lost touch with but that you can take back.  This is your evolution.   


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