New Year Evolution (part 3 continued)

I am not going to give up on myself until I stop breathing and even then I will ask spirit to give me one more chance to get it right.  That brings me to the next part of evolving which is not only to never give up but to understand that giving up is saying yes to the parts of you that may have been shamed into thinking that what you want is not available. 

We have to be willing to make some mistakes in order to get to the place that is right for us.  A place where our heart, body and spirit feel centered and in some loving form.  When we allow our mistakes to stop our progress or our journey we freeze and we tend to stay in a state of despair. 

When we give up on ourselves we are not just giving up on our selves we are giving up on those people who love us, some of which look to us for guidance, like our children, our nieces and our grandchildren.  When we give up we are giving up on our spirit and all of the things we are destined to accomplish as well as the idea that we are really here to serve.  When we fight, we serve and when we serve we make a contribution and honor our lives.  We are all here to serve whether we are aware of it or not.  We are here to share our knowledge, our hope, our dreams, our love and our souls. 

Giving up is not an option.  Tell yourself that every day when you are feeling blue and experiencing a lack of faith or joy.  Train your mind to delete the thought that you don't matter or that what you do doesn't matter.  The truth is that you do matter and that everything you do matters.  Finding ways to be of service and to build a day in your life that feels filled with things you like to do and things you would like to say is one great way of making your life matter.  Map out a day in your life and what loving, kind, compassionate and exciting things you would like to do.  Whenever the notion that you don't matter comes up repeat this phrase: I matter and everything that I do matters. 

I have one sister and one brother, both of whom I love very much.  My sister works out often and so do I but our brother does not and has some health issues as a result of not being more active.  The youngest of our siblings committed suicide when she was about 22.  I am concerned  about my brother's health and well being as are members of his family like his children and his wife.  We are all on the sidelines hoping that there will not be a tragedy related to his diabetic issue or that stress will take him from us.  Although my youngest sister made a decision to check out of this world it was a message to me that I needed to take a look at how I was living and loving.  Both are examples of people that I love whom I sadly feel have checked out from the joy and the many adventures life has to offer.  Both are people that I wish I could convince of this premise that life is a journey and that giving up is not an option.  What I know is that we all have our challenges and that with love we can be of service to one another but we must first value our own life.

Don Miguel Ruiz is a spiritual leader who wrote "The Four Agreements" one of which is "Do Your Best".  It is something we have heard repeatedly growing up and seems pretty simple.  The fact is that many of us don't do our best, we settle.  Doing our best takes more effort and sometimes takes more time but in the end the results are better.  When we are doing things we can simply think about doing our best or we can actually do our best.  Doing our best requires more mindfulness and thought.  It requires that what we do we do with love in our hearts and with consideration of others.  Making that decision to do our best means that we not only do the best we can but that we  do so all of our life. 

To be continued:


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