The Holidaze

Yes it is intentional that I have titled this BLOG the "Holidaze".  I believe that some of us go into a daze and even a blank gaze during the holidays from the stress and the need to give gifts to everyone even if we cannot afford it.  The Christmas holidays are an absolutely perfect time to get into debt that many of us will not recover from until the next holiday when we do it all over again.  Partners and parents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters and grandparents want to please others by giving them exactly what they wish for and at times go overboard.  Susan wants a designer dress and Mike wants a pair of Nike gym shoes that just came out, while mom has a dream of getting a cashmere sweater.  It is so wonderful to give and to receive what we would like and the holidays seem like a good time to do just that.  The other side of that coin is that we tend to spend way too much money and don't realize it until we receive the credit card statement.  It is so much fun playing Santa we just cannot not resist buying our brother that new tennis racket he has always wanted. 

I know that many of us have already been shopping and it may even be too late for this message, but if you haven't spent all your money consider giving it some thought.  It might be a good idea to start by asking yourself,  "What is the meaning of Christmas?"  Write your list of the responses that come up for you.  Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Christ for some and for others it is about the year ending and new beginnings.  Christmas is a time when we intentionally celebrate with family and friends, sharing laughter and spending time together, some will arrive from other states.  It is a wonderful time to eat great food and indulge in some of those treats we avoid during the year but love to eat.  It is a time for delicious dialog and wild child like abandonment.  For some it is a time of gratitude for having had another year of life and for the abundance and prosperity they can name.  We must all decide what Christmas means and how we can honor spirit, family and friends in a way that connects us and feels good to our heart.

If you like me have been experiencing some stress know that you are not alone and that there are some very simple solutions.  Start by giving yourself some quiet centering time.  Consider not shopping at a famous retail store but rather at a thrift shops that benefit your community, spending less, recycling and avoiding debt. De stress by taking the time to cook or make something as a gift for someone on your list. Write about what is coming up for you due to the holidays and then ask yourself why.  Afterwards think about what you can do to create a more effortless holiday season.  If you know that your family of origin will be in drama mode, think about spending the holiday with a friend or at a seniors home.  You would be surprised at the creative and wonderful ways you can move into the season with ease and grace.       

This holiday consider starting a new tradition that honors your heart, one that creates unity and love.  This holiday consider donating a part of what you would have spent on gifts to a charity.  This holiday season make it a point to visit a neighbor that you know lives alone and could use some company.  This time around invite a person who is struggling to enjoy a dinner with you and your family.  This time  do things in a way that expresses your gratitude for life and your many blessings.  This year approach a homeless person and give them a gift certificate to a grocery store.  What I know in my heart is that many of you are already doing these things and that this is only a little reminder to do more of what we know we could be doing to make this holiday even more meaningful. 

Happy holidays to you and those you cherish.  Let this holiday season be a reminder of our purpose and our commitment to the earth.    


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