Organize Prioritize Visualize Materialize

Life is a series of wonderful experiences and I guess I have to admit some not so wonderful moments.  I use to ask myself what I would do if I knew what I was doing?  The truth is that I don't always know what to do or when or why to do it.  I have been giving this much thought and what showed up was a formula that might help me and others I am being asked to serve.  This is what came to me: Organize, prioritize, visualize and it will materialize.  I admit that I am not a genius and I doubt that if I were tested I would come up as a protege in any area of my brain, and I am so OK with that.  It suffices that I still have the facility and brain power to make some loving decisions for myself in spite of the fact that life has handed me some lemons.  I am proud to say that I too have made the lemonade and that by doing so I have bypassed some circumstances that needed an application of creativity. 

I have been thinking about this concept (organize, prioritize, visualize and materialize) and although I would not compare it to Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements I believe there is something of value here.   That being said, let us begin this journey with the thought of organization or lack of it. 

Organize: What I believe is that when we are organized in our life and do this with intention we easily and gracefully live the day to day in a way that does not clutter our mind.  So many of us have all kinds of things in our sacred space we call home that needs to be organized and some things we may consider donating.  Why do we have so much stuff that we can't see what we have?   In the end it doesn't matter why.  The lack of organization often times stumps the best of us and creates a form of cluttering in our head resulting in a feeling of anxiousness and despair.  It is in our best interest to be in our honesty about how we live, want to live and whether the way we live is aligned with how we feel. If your environment creates stress then it is likely time to organize it.  Organization can take on the form of logistical things like having a place for your scissors so that you can find them when you need it. For some it could be hanging all the white shirts and black pants together.  It can also take on an abstract interpretation when you select items for your home that resonate as beautiful, joyful, peaceful or balanced, making certain that each piece is placed in such a way that it brings you some form of enjoyment and comfort.  The meaning of organization may vary but the outcome is often the same and the need for it is personal and unique.  What I have discovered is that there are many people in this world who express and have a need to become more organized because it elicits a feeling of comfort or joy.   

I contend that when we organize it makes our life a little easier because our environment is not in chaos but rather in harmony.  I want to invite all of you to look at what your home is saying and if it's asking for some loving organization or if there are things in your home that you don't need.  Perhaps there are some items that you may want to reassess and decide to give away?  Are there other things in your life that can use an application of organization?  Spirit invites you to take a scan of your home and determine what is the vibration and energy inside of it, whether it is one of harmony or disharmony, loving care or careless loving.  Once you determine if your home needs some affection then challenge yourself to start making a plan where you address it one room at a time and one box at a time until your home is saying "I feel peaceful, centered, balanced and whole. 

Prioritize: When we are in the pit of darkness and we feel like we are being sucked in too many responsibilities it might be useful to think about prioritizing.  Prioritizing is not easy to do and many times what we do is we become so overwhelmed with what needs and who needs attention that we become scattered and nothing really gets completed. It is truly a human emotion to become overwhelmed by too many things and people on your too do list.  Identifying that feeling is a start in the right direction, that direction being willing to prioritize.  Take the time to sit and decide what is the first thing that you need to do and then what is the next thing you want to do, being reasonable and gentle with yourself around it.  For some a written list is helpful and I would recommend it.  Making a list of what needs to be done and then selecting which of these thing need the most attention and are the most urgent will help you to not become overwhelmed but rather to move into action.  The next thing you may want to consider is posting your priority list. 

When we think of priorities we forget that there are people in our lives that may be involved, specifically our children.  We have to ask ourselves where they fall on the list of commitments, taking into account that they may need to spend time with their grandparents or with us.  When I think about it life is often times a list of priorities and requires us to decide what we want to do first.  On the converse when we ignore our priorities like eating a healthy breakfast or working out there are consequences to our own person.  It is not considered universally wonderful to make ourselves first at times but I think it makes perfect sense.   If we make eating breakfast a priority then we are in a more balanced, energetic and loving place to take care of our children as well as others in our life we love. 

Visualize: If we cannot see ourselves in the beautiful home and having a healthier life then it is less likely that it will happen.  In fact, very little happens without visualizing it and seeing it as a possibility.  Opening up to what we want to happen and what we need to do takes us gracefully on a  journey to where it actually happens. The invitation may be not only to visualize it but to  write what you foresee whether it is a new career or a new husband (younger of course).  This is not phenomenon or a new technique for manifesting but rather a natural flow to life. It is, in short, how things happen for us.  We seem to be good at foreseeing the negative things that we think are going to happen and this of course is another subject into itself, but it is worth pondering how and why we do that.  For this time I would like to stick to manifesting positive things in our life by simply thinking about it and seeing it as something that can happen.  There are many ways that we can manifest through visualization one of which is a vision board and the other writing a living vision which brings me to the next part of this BLOG which is to materialize. 

What has occurred to me is that by organizing, prioritizing and visualizing we eventually materialize.  When I say materialize I mean we manifest things that we want and good things happen.  It is the direct result of our willingness and purposeful effort to create a space we feel good living in, do the things we need to do with positive intention and the faith that it can happen.  In addition, there are things in our life we cannot or may not want to apply any action to but moreover allow ourselves to be guided with.  Whatever you feel needs to be organized, prioritized, visualized and want to materialize is part of your own personal journey.  No one can tell you how to manifest harmony in your space or what needs attention first.  We all have a good idea of what needs to happen for us to feel that level of joy that we all deserve.  I would like to encourage all of you to look at what it is that needs organization in your life, prioritize what needs to get done, visualize it as something you have complete faith will happen and see what materializes.              


  1. Great blog, a good reminder of what we need to do in order to make progress in our lives especially since this is the last month of the year.


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