Death? Not Today

Every day we make a conscious decision to live.  Every day we decide if our day will be about living fully or about regrets and resentments.  Every day many of us get up and wonder what our purpose is and believe that it has to be a big purpose, something earth moving.  What we don't realize is that our purpose can be as simple as doing the best we can at work, loving our children with every part of our heart and being grateful for what we have.  Just one of these at one time is enough to fill our day up with a sense of purpose.  On the converse we can get up thinking what is the use we are going to die anyway and although that is true there is not any good reason to allow that to be the focus of every day and in fact some days we should completely avoid that kind of thinking.  At least for today we can decide that we are going to be focused on living and that death is not going to hover over us like a dark cloud following us every where we are and in everything we do.

All that we can do is live each day and do so in a manner that is graceful and with a sense of gratitude.  Being thankful for all that we have whether is it a warm bed to sleep in, food on our table or a home to share with family, gratitude is a key element to living a life with intention and purpose.  Death may be inevitable yes but life is here and now.  Death may be nagging at us because we may have health issues but life is right there looking at us and asking us to enjoy this moment.  We have the now and we have all that we need.  Worrying about what will happen is not going to allow us to live in the present and enjoy every moment that we are here.  Living in the past holds us back and living in the future is sometimes too much to think about.  Live now, live today, live in this time that you have been given now.

It is tempting to want to control outcomes, mostly because we really think we can.  The truth is that we cannot do this and that by placing our energy where it is not going to be of good use is living in a useless place.  We may be able to control when we eat or when we go to bed but there will be things we cannot control.  That is when we must know to surrender and to become vulnerable and say to ourselves that it is OK not to be in control always.  Death is beyond our control.  We will die.  But we don't have to be focused on it every day and in fact should consider not being focused on it but rather becoming focused on living.  Every day that we wake up is a great opportunity to live and live well.  Every day we awaken is an adventure that we can choose to have.  Every single day that we awaken we can turn into something of purpose and of joy.

Some of us will get a clear message or information that we are going to transition or die.  Some of us know that we have a certain amount of time left because we have been informed.  That is a hard pill to swallow as they say and I cannot blame anyone for not wanting to take that pill.  Making the proper plans to die might be closer for some of us than others.  That is a major challenge and makes it ever more difficult to face life and to just be happy each day.  But what are the choices my friends?  We can be miserable now until we die or we can make the best of if and do all that we can to be in our joyful place in life, making time to do the things we have wanted to do, knowing that soon we will be departing in this bodily form.  Nothing is more challenging for some of us than knowing that we are closer to death than we would of like to be.  Yet even small children will demonstrate the courage and the divinity it takes to live their life with cancer and other painful health issues.  Looking at death today and just saying, "not today death" heals us in the moment and gives us permission to live this day in every way possible.
Elliott Maximo Collazo


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