You Are a Spiritual Being

As part of my graduate work at USM in Spiritual Psychology there was one statment that was repeated every so often and that was: "we are spiritual beings having a human experience".  Since then I have been reading a book by Deepak Chopra, Power, Freedom, Grace that has furthered this truth for me and that makes complete sense to me.  In the past I have seen myself as a human being who has on ocassion had a spiritual experience.  Now I know that it is quite the contrary, I am a spirit having a human experience and eveything around me, the trees, the flowers, the clouds and other human beings are a part of me and I am a part of them.  Today I read a part of the book that cited a table as the energy placed into it by a carpenter and at first I thought, well that is nuts, only to understand that it makes perfect sense.  For so long I have said that old furniture has the energy of those who owned it, not really believing this but rather intuitively thinking it.  Now I know that it is very true and that every object and every part of nature is connected to source and does have some form of energy.  After all a wood dresser comes from a tree that once was rooted to the earth.

We in America have grown up with this false belief that each of us is individual yet in fact we are not.  When we disconnect ourselves in this false notion we disconnect from the truth.  We are not individuals, we are a collective being.  We are not seperate but on the contrary united and bonded in our spirits and our physical being.  When we seperate from one another we do so in order to survive and so that we don't have to be responsible for our brothers and sisters.  We seperate out of concealing the pain or in the hope that we won't feel our sister's pain.  We say we are unique in our self because we don't want to show up for someone else.  This is in fact how we can justify seeing a violent act against a child and say nothing to the parent who is the source of it.  These are all o the lies I grew up hearing from others that led me to think that I was seperate, better, smarter, more handsome or less injured than others.  This is the lie we have embraced for hundreds of years and the lie that we have passed on.  We are not separate, unique, better than or superior to each other.  We are in act a collective spirit.  

As I listen to the song "I got you under my skin" I realize that there are no mistakes.  We avoid connections that are deep and soulful.  We think that we can reserve this deep feeling for only one person and yet the universe is asking us to share it with everyone.  "Use your mentality, wake up to reality" the lyrics go on to share.  As spiritual beings we must be willing to wake up to the reality that we are each other's shin.  We are one another and we share the same experience and the same reality whether we are financially rich or dirt poor.  Whether we are tall or short.  Whether we are big or small in stature.  We are simply fooling ourselves when we think ourselves so different from others.  When we think ourselves so exclusive, so much more enlightened.  The truth is that everything we do effects others around us and everyone we interact with and see is a part of us and we are all beings of the  spirit.  The truth is that we cannot be separate when in fact we are connected.  

When we try to disconnect from others we eventually create this idea that we are independent and this illusion that we are our self.  We fail to go beyond the self to the collective being.  We fail to see that the real purpose of other spiritual beings is to support and love each other in every way possible. We forget the most basic fact of life: we are all related.  So the next time that you are tempted to raise your head at another spiritual being,  know that as much as you try you are not separate from them, superior to them, smarter then them, more enlightened than them or living in your own world.  Every time we strive to be separate from all that surrounds us we disconnect with our spirit and one day we will not be our body, we will only be our spirit.  
Elliott Max Collazo 


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