Rise Above It

We all know how difficult it can be not to let things get to us.  Whether it is the opinion of a loved one of us or an illness we cannot make go away, rising above it all is sometimes all that we can do.  We have to be able to take what we have and what we feel and lift ourselves to a higher vibration, a higher place in our heart.  Doing this takes intention and courage because when things are not quite as we planned it is really the only good choice we have.  We can dig ourselves deeper, focus on the bad or decide that this is not going to take us down.  In part, we take our power back and we do our very best to rise above the fear, the sadness, the disappointments and the expectations that people will be loving and kind all the time.  How do we do that? 

Decide in this moment that you are going to enjoy this time in increments.  Take it one minute at a time.  Make that one decision to do whatever you can to rise above it.  Sit outside in the sun with some music playing.  Go for a long walk in nature.  Do something that will tell your heart that you care and that you are not going to stay stuck where you are now.  Make a decision to move out of it and into a new space.  That one thing alone will help you to shift the energy to one that is of a more positive vibration and one that invites you to take one little step.  Take another step when you are ready to do that.  Refuse to lay down.  

Find a way to move about like dancing.  Put on some music and sway and move to it in a way that is peaceful and smooth.  Move around the room to the beat of the music.  Discover how your body responds to each movement and repeat the ones that feel right for you.  Lift your arms up, swing them side to side and allow your body to follow the movement and turn around with your arms up as many times as you can.  Whatever move feels good is all that you want to focus on, allowing your body and mind to release the tension and the tightness inside of you.  As you dance try to think of anything and if you do remind yourself to stay present.  Do this for at least 20 minutes if possible.  

Become child like and create.  One of the ways I find peace is by picking up my colored pencils and my special coloring book and just going at it.  Lately I have been using my blank art book and repeating a pattern of hearts, stars, leaves or figures.  Coloring brings us back to our  child state and allows us to create without any expectations of any kind.  It is all about taking the time to chill and to be in our heart.  When we color we are reminded that our inner child finds joy in the simple things and that by feeding that part of us we find that pureness of heart.  At first it may seem odd or feel like a waste of time but if we simply start we normally end up feeling great and in some way releasing some of the feelings that are overwhelming us in the moment.  Art in itself is healing as we have known for many years but moreover something we don't think to do when we falsely believe we cannot do it unless we are good at it.  Taking a brush or colored pencil in our hand is just the start of us saying yes to that little girl or boy we likely lost touch with a long time ago.  Rising above the sadness or frustrations in our life is as simple as stepping back and doing something lovely like coloring.  

Rising above it is really just about finding a way to see the light in you.  Rising above it means that we become willing to let it go by focusing on something loving.  Rising above it is a decision we make at every turn and for some of us it is a moment by moment shift in our energy.  Rising above the sadness, the stress, the anxiety or the fear takes intention and the first thing to say to yourself is, 
I have the intention to shift this energy inside of me and know that the universe has a better plan for me.  Rise up.  


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