Moving Meditation

Most people believe meditation to be stationary and still.  For some of us this simply does not work, especially when we are already feeling anxious and feel unable to stay still.  I would like to share that meditation can be what we would like it to be and that if movement helps then we should put some music on and move to the music.  Here are some steps:

Put on some music that you love and that is conducive to a soft movement.  Some like Buddha Bar while others might pick Yani or Liquid mind.  Stand still for a moment while you allow the music to move you, closing your eyes.  As the music plays start to move to it in place using every part of your body.  Sway to the music using your arms and hands in ways that feel natural to you.  Let yourself be taken away by the music and focus just on your movements.  While for some dance is natural, there are many who find it unnatural yet my contention is to make it about moving and connecting your emotions to your body.  Dedicate at least ten minutes to this first part of the moving meditation.  Time yourself.

Now that you have completed the first part of the meditation, you may be ready to lay down and breath deeply.  This first moving part of the meditation usually prepares us to go to the next phase which is to become as still as we can.  Yet if you are not ready, lay down anyway and move your hands and arms while laying down.  The intention here is to go from fuller movements to lesser movements to complete stillness but if you are not ready then get up once again and dance, dance, dance.  Repeat step one and this time move more purposely and more aggressively.  Let the body express the inner feelings of anxiousness, sadness, frustration, anger or darkness.  Get the whole body involved by touching your face with your hands or embracing your body with your arms.  Do this for a minimum of ten more minutes.  When you are feeling ready to start the next part stop and sit down quietly for a few.

This next part is about expressing the inner feelings and so you will need a pen and paper.  Doing this manually is better than typing it as the body is more involved and invested.  Start your paper with this prompter: "My body is speaking to my mind and it is saying...":  Write about the experience and how it felt emotionally for you.  If there is something coming up emotionally write about it.  If there is something that you sense needs to be released, write about that as well.  There are no rules, only to be honest and vulnerable.  Let yourself express both the joy and the pain.  Let yourself speak to the heart place inside of you.

Lastly, make a statement out loud related to gratitude.  What are you grateful for in this moment?  Say it out loud and then thank spirit for that feeling of knowing and that expression of who you are.

Coach Elliott


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