Time For Everything In Life

So many of us Americans will claim to be stressed and busy all the time.  I think it is a personal goal of some to stay busy all be it to feel overwhelmed all the time.  We go to work each day, we run home to cook for our children, we help our children with homework and by the time bath time is complete it's time to go to bed.  We then repeat that same pattern every day, changing nothing about it and feeling as though this is the life we must live.  We overspend to feel happy, we drink to kill stress, we overeat because we are emotionally drained and we don't get enough rest because by the time we get to bed we are an atomic bomb of thoughts and feelings.  For the moms who are normally the hub of the household and who want to be super heroes there is yet another set of problems because they feel a need to be behind everything, everyone, all the time.  They have to be in control because that feels right for them but in the end they create their own stressful situation.

We must know when to press the pause button in life.  We must learn to stop, drop and roll.  We must take the time to go inside and feel our feeling and to hold ourselves reverent and important.  We have to know when to do this every day without fail.  By pressing the pause button we are saying that we are important enough to take a few minutes of our life to check in with how we are feeling and what it is we need.  Whether it is a prayer or a hot bath with candles it is up to us to find that out and honor ourselves by doing what is best for us.  Making the time to honor ourselves is one of the best things we can do in life.

Gratitude is a huge part of what we miss in life.  We fail to step back, look at our life and decide what we are grateful for.  Every day we should take a few minutes to write down or just think about what we are grateful for.  Every day is a chance for us to look at how wonderful our life really is.  Each day there is something good that has happened to us or that we can be thankful for.  We are breathing, our children are healthy, we have food on the table, we have a great job and we have clothes to wear.  Even the smallest of things count and even those small gifts can be raised up to Spirit and acknowledged in your life.

Collaboration sounds a lot like something we need to do at work but few of us understand how imporant it is to be collaborative within a family unit.  When we let go of the control and the notion that only we can do things right, we begin to source out the responsibilities of a home, allowing each person to do their part daily.  Having family meetings where everyone expresses their concerns and each person holds themselves accountable is a healthy way to maintain that cooperative living that is so much more joyful and so less stressful.  We must also make certain to share our joys first.

Addictions come in many forms and so often are acceptable.  Watching a lot of TV is one of the most common addictions.  Hiding our true feelings of anger or resentment is another.  We believe that if we simply zone out and watch TV or drink wine every night we are relieving ourselves when in fact we are compounding the issue.  When we hide inside addictions we will soon find out that nothing goes away on it's own and in fact it gets bigger and darker over time.  Letting go of our addictions and bad habits is not easy but when we set the intention to do so we live a much less stressful life by facing the issues, making the decisions we need to make and finding ways to solve them together.  Hiding behind addictive behaviors is easy to do yet we know deep inside that nothing is being solved.

There is a time for everything.  There is a time to enjoy life and wave your hands in the air.  There is a time to take a vacation when you can afford it.  There is a time to invent ways to have fun close to where you live when you cannot afford to go to Italy or Hawaii.  Accepting where we are at and our financial limitations will make us become creative.  There is a time to be silent and a time to regroup.  There is a time to meet with our family and talk about the issues.  There is a time to become honest with ourselves about what we are doing that feeds some unhealthy addiction.  Like the seasons we must tailor our life to what we have and accept what we don't have.  Become grateful for what we have and become self-loving and accepting of who we are.  There is a time for change.  Is this your time?
Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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