On Dying Gracefully

Had I been asked how I wanted to die in the past I would not have thought, gracefully.  I would have thought quickly, painlessly, but not gracefully.  Today I think differently about death.  I think about dying with grace and that means in gratitude.  After all, one can die in agony and angry and that does not seem to me to be such a great option.  Dying gracefully means that we let go at the precise moment when it is our time.  It means that we simply let go and surrender to the process of dying in a manner that is respectful to ourselves and to others.  Although many people die kicking and screaming it is not the way that we should transition.  I find that leaving this earth is a sacred moment and one that we can take with ease and grace of spirit, asking our guides to embrace us on a journey we are to take and one that we are to end.

It is tempting to think that death is unfair, especially when we see young, vibrant people dying.   It is easy to become angry and resentful about someone being taken from us when they are in the peak of their life.  We get angry and we question whether there is really a God because someone we love has been taken from us.  We don't understand that death does not pick an age or a particular time in a person's life.  Death comes when it does and for many of us it will be what we deem too soon.  Acceptance is key to gracefully getting through a death that seems to have come too soon.  Grace means that we must do our best to simply know that the time for each person is their proper time, as sad as it may feel.  It is unfortunate but we cannot choose when our day will come or that of any other person.  It is best to accept it and to do so in a way that honors each of us.

Dying with grace means living with grace.  Living in a way that is graceful and grateful.  Each day is a gift and each day is a chance for us to thank Source.  Each day is an opportunity to dance, sing and play.  We must cease every moment and enjoy every day.  How we live will likely be how we die.  Living in our highest joy means that when we are to die we will likely go in that very energy of joy.  Gracefully means lovingly, self-aware, accepting, surrendering and leaving this earth with the dignity that we arrived into it.
Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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