I Am Not A Human

I think that the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life was to try to live as though I am a human being when in fact I am a spiritual being.  I also believe that there are many of us who fail to understand that we are not human beings, we are spiritual beings having this human experience.  Where we make our mistake is in believing that we are so powerful in our humanness that we can literally do everything right if we just live life smart enough.  We are in our heads all the time and not only are we not in our heart, we avoid that part of us, a spiritual aspect of who we really are.  I know that many would not agree with me and I am OK with that, yet I feel as though I am honoring myself and others by pointing out that we are not simply human and that there is so much more to us than that.  At the core of who we are is a spirit, a deeper part of us, where our souls reside and where our heart speaks to us.  At the center of our being is that we have a spirit that longs to come forward and express itself, one that we stuff down only to find ourselves wondering what is missing.  I would like to advocate for opening the door to our spiritual self.  I would like to push for the expression of spirit versus the ego based human side of us.  As we take this journey to finding our spirit let us consider these simple truths:

The human experience is limited to this idea that we can and do control everything.  I am here to share that this is not the truth.  We cannot control everything and we should not want to control everything.  In fact, we must be willing to let go of our control and surrender to our hearts.  We may think we are living life fully when we measure everything in our life, make plans for every moment of our life and try to control everyone around us, but in fact we are setting ourselves up for failure.  Life is not a human experience but a spiritual one.  We are not meant to control everything we do and when we surrender to spirit we find that our heart takes a front seat to all that we do and all that we are.  It is a natural way to live, in the heart and in the center of our spirit.  The human part of us is in our head and often times fools us into believing that we can control the outcomes.  It is only when we run into a situation that we cannot control that we understand that we have been running towards this wall for a long time.

So if I am not human what am I?  I am spirit.  I am a spiritual being who allows every part of me to live in harmony with the earth and the many people who live in it.  I am a collective part of everything that exists on this planet.  I am a spirit trying to have a human experience and not allow that to dictate who I really am.  I am a spirit who is interacting with many people who are not having a spiritual connection and making every effort not to believe that this is all there is.  You are a spirit having a human experience and finding ways to not be limited to that human experience because you know there is more to it than that.  Being a spirit means that we take responsibility for that spirit.  We nurture it instead of allowing it to be beat down by people who don't believe we are more than a body.  We sit in silence and send love to the universe and it's people because we know that we are more than the human body.  We are a spirit because it includes all that we are: heart, soul, beliefs, energy, love and a part of everything that lives on this earth.

Many people have attempted to equate spirituality with religion.  I understand knowing that we are often raised with the notion of "Holy Spirit".  I am wanting now to clear that myth up and say that spiritual has nothing to do with religious.  They are two very different things.  I am spiritual not religious.  I have been one to stay away from organized religion and I eventually found out that I can be spiritual even if I did not attend a church or believe in some dogma.  I had to let go of the fear of being a spiritual being and knowing that spirits surround us and now understand that being spiritual is being whole.  It is my spirit that completes who I am and that knows that I am a part of this universe that operates from a place of the heart and not the mind.  I know now that my intellectual self is not who I am.  That my degree of education does not matter when it comes to matters of the heart, and matters of the spirit.  I am a spiritual being doing my best to have a human experience and not get sucked into it.  I am a spiritual being doing my best to have a human experience and not make that the only experience I have because I know it to be limited.

Elliott M. Collazo


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