Evolution (Part 5)

When I made the decision to write about evolving in the new year I did not plan on it being so long.  I am going to say that I will embrace the thought that maybe there is a reason for me to continue this evolution idea that I don't need to know.  I will follow my gut and my spirit and share as long as there is something in my heart to share and as long as I am being asked to share it. 

Today my daughter Taina sent me a quote that said: "When we are unable to find tranquility within us, it is useless to seek it elsewhere".  This quote is all about knowing that peace comes from within and that it comes to us with intention.  We have to want tranquility and we have to own it.  It is not enough to say that we are at peace as many of us do to save face.  It is something we must do with intent and not something that we need not look for in others or in some magic place.  I said this before and that is that I am a methodical B_ _ ch and that means that there are things I do with purpose and with intent. Even the simple things.  It is true that one can take that too far and become obsessed but there is light and dark parts to many of our habits.  The fact remains that we must work at being centered and tranquil.  Every day is a journey and every day we have to take the time to center ourselves, seek quite time, seek a time of rest or a time to simply recharge.  It is daily work and those of us who think we don't have to do it or don't need to are likely the ones that need it the most.  In my book that is called denial.  When we think that things are perfectly fine the way they are and we are experiencing emotional pain, it is a sure sign that something needs attention.

Becoming tranquil takes some work.  I find that meditation and writing works well for me.  I also love self-counseling where I play the role of client and counselor and have a dialog as if it were a script for a movie.  This is easy to do but requires at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time.  It is time that you dedicate to yourself and focused on an issue you want to get more clarity around.  I am not saying that you can be your own counselor all the time but that you can counsel yourself on an ongoing basis and that this is helpful.  The other approach you can use is a Gestalt where you have a verbal conversation with someone, a feeling or a source of wisdom.  It is just like any other conversation but you are playing both your part and the other entity or person.  The intention of the Gestalt is to bring light into a situation that you may be holding in and that is causing some blockage in your life.  It is helpful to do this and it should be done when you feel safe and  ready.  The conversation can be with your mom or a feeling like  anger or jelousy.  It could also be with your source of  strength like God, goddess or spirit.  The idea is to open up your energy and bring light to the situation that is weighing on you.   

Finding your peace of mind is part of evolving but it is also ongoing work.  When you find your center and your heart feels at ease you will be able to evolve into what you are meant to be, want to be, dream to be and have the divine right to become.  It is difficult to evolve if you are scattered, afraid and feel unsafe.  Your energy will open up when you feel that serenity inside that allows for an easy and graceful transformation and the way to that place of peace is through things like self-counseling, self-talk and the courage to admit that there is healing to be done.   I want to invite you to seek out the actions that you suspect will bring you closer to your inner peace and tranquility and begin practicing this routine for the rest of your life if necessary, knowing that life is a constant journey and perfection simply is not your goal. 

Lastly, I would like to ask you to take some quite time right now if possible and sit in silence.  Have a peice of paper and a pen in case something comes up that you would like to write down.  Allow yourself at least ten minutes to sit with your feelings and be fearless about what is going on with you.  Ask for guidance from whatever source of love and compassion you believe in.  Start on your journey to finding that center that you know is yours to keep.  This new year make your life about evolving, intention and transforming.  Intentionally decide what needs to be done and give yourself a timeline to do it.  Evolving is about loving yourself and nurturing your soul.  Evolving will happen more readily if you are in a place of peace.  If we cannot be for ourselves than who will be for us? 


  1. I love when you mention that we have to not look for tranquility in others because so many do. Very good points! Thanks for the blog. This is part of my journey.


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