The Elements of Love

This is one of the most difficult subjects I have decided to write about so I am going to start small and see where it goes.  What I have uncovered recently are some questions about what love looks like and how a partner should show up as well as how I show up in relationship.  I have thought about what the key elements of  an intimate and loving relationship are and I came up with:

A person who loves you:
1. Will be willing to witness, acknowledge and Prize you
2. Can clearly identify, see and support your talents and dreams
3. Will defend you/himself or herself and stand up for your relationship
4. Has an open heart and listens to what you say and when appropriate utilizes the knowledge to better the relationship
5. Will take action and responsibility for him or herself without being asked or coached into it

For now I simply want you all to look at the five criteria of what I think equals a great partner, hence a wonderful relationship.  I know there are others that will come up and some that you will think of.  The trick is to look back on what you truly understand to be the elements of a loving relationship like respect (there's number six) and affection (that makes seven).  I am going to say that it feels like ten will cover the basic elements of what a loving relationship looks like, feels like and is like.  The challenge for you is to look deeper and to lovingly evaluate your relationship with others from friendship all the way up to your own spouse. 
To be continued....
Coach Elliott


  1. Yes they will do all these things. Some of us look for love in all the wrong places. This is a reminder to clear the fog off of our glasses.

  2. Coach Elliot,
    Your capacity for insight, inspiration, and passion continue to amaze me. In every interaction and in all that you write, I turn back to the world feeling more empowered, loved, and able to better love myself and others. I am forever grateful. You are true light and beauty.
    Liz Ledman


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