
I just had this thought around talents and how they enter into relationship.  Each person brings their baggage but each person brings their talents as well.  What we end up focusing on more is that good old baggage.  I guess we do that because  it's easier to go there and certainly makes our ego feel superior, temporarily. 

If we are to be respected for our talents then we need to be willing to respect our partner's talents, but that is only the first part of the equation as they say.  The more important part is the one where you not only respect it but you allow that person to use their talents and move out of the way, trusting that they can do that part of life well and that all you need to do is go for the ride.  If your partner is good at finances then you allow them to do the finances and simply monitor the joint account.  If your partner is good at dressing and selecting clothing that is attractive and enduring then let him or her do that for the both of you or at least trust that he or she has that "good eye for fashion" and can help you select clothing that you will look great in.  If your partner is good at writing sentiments in cards allow them to do that more often.  In the end this requires us to let go of the controlling nature that is human kind but it will afford you both more time and less effort on things that one or the other person can likely do better, are gifted at or would rather do because they are good at it. 

The second part of respecting your loved ones talents is that piece that is in gratitude for what he or she does so well.  It would not be a bad idea to thank them for their talents, like writing the cards or keeping your home looking beautiful.  Whatever their talent is it is not sufficient to allow them to do it without occasionally thanking them for doing it.  In some relationships one person's talents elicit competition in the other person.  It comes from the ego of jealousy or discomfort and if we just see that for what it is we can resolve it and move into gratitude and love around our loving relationship and his or her talents.

We can certainly take advantage or take our partner's talents for granted.  Be mindful of this and do your part.  Talents are not those things you want to take for granted and in fact want to feel a lot of gratitude for receiving.  Even if you don't think that your partner has a specific talent remember that respecting their perceived talents is truly a way to honor them.  This does not mean that you lie about their cooking but that you know they are doing their best as they see fit.  If your child felt she had a talent would you tell her she did not or would you encourage her and contribute ideas?  We all know the response to that question is to encourage and add to the mix.  If every spouse who thought their wife or husband did not cook or write as well as they said could embrace the fact that their spouse is trying their best, the world would have less divorces.

Life is about giving and receiving and I still believe that giving more than we receive is OK.  In fact I sense that giving a little more of some things, sometimes is as it should be.  When we give our talents we can be generous with them.  When we see talents in others we might consider respecting those gifts they give but moreover we should be willing to nurture them. 
In Light and Love,
Coach Elliott  


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