New Year Evolution (part 4)

Today I was thinking about prosperity and what came up for me is that prosperity "is in the eyes of the beholder", different people define it differently.  In our society I feel like prosperity is measured more by how much money and material goods we have than anything else.  Yet without prosperity of heart what good does money do us?  As we continue this new year's journey of evolving I would like us to think about what will define our evolving in the area of prosperity both financial and spiritual. 

It is easier to define prosperity when we think about how much we earn or how much is enough to be considered prosperous.  While salaries differ one can likely say that 100,000 dollars a year is relatively prosperous.  For some it may be 80,000 or 90,000 and others it would only be prosperity if they were making at least a million in earnings or profit.  For those people who are making 35,000 a year perhaps 60,000 would be a dream come true?  In the end what matters is how we manage our money and even more importantly that we are doing what makes our heart and our spirit feel great.  It is likely a bit of a no brain er to say that there are numerous people who are unhappy doing the job they are doing and that some will get gravely ill from it, either mentally or physically or both.  I cannot say if it is worth getting sick to make a lot of money but what I can say at my age and with my experience is that no money in the world would matter to me if I am to be as unhappy as I was making over 90,000 dollars a year.  I will spare you the long version of the story but let me just say that I was forced to look at what the JOB was doing to me and that I had to take action, so I did and I will never regret it.  I would like each of you to ask yourself what financial prosperity means to you, how much you value it and what is the price you will pay for it?  I want each of you to ask yourself if you are happy with the work you are doing and is it joyful and full filling?  If you are to evolve in your life this is an area of much importance where we all spend a lot of energy and time.  For some of you it's only 8 hours a day but for some it is 12-15  hours a day, more than the amount that you rest to become replenished.  If you are not doing something you at least love some of the time it may be the sign to move on and beyond.  I by the way call what I do "joyful service". 

Recently my husband and I went to Cancun.  We stayed in a "five diamond" resort and it was impeccable.  Every area of the hotel including the food, room and lobby was beautiful.  The room had a glass encased shower that was large enough for six people.  It was quite the luxurious situation.  There are two stories that I want to share about this trip and one of them was that my credit-debit card kept being denied and in fact if I had not looked at my emails once I would not have known that my bank put a stop to it because they were alarmed at the fact that there were charges in Mexico.  Try as I might I could not get the problem solved until I returned home.  This situation forced me to look at what I really needed and to be in some gratitude about the abundance I already had that was paid for.  I started to feel embarrassed and angry but that soon turned into gratitude when I decided that all I needed was right there in front of me and that this was a lesson in prosperity and how I needed to look at it.  What I learned was that I was already in such a prosperous place that it was almost selfish to allow myself to get to upset as to ruin the great time we were having.  As it turned out when I got home the bank gave me a fifty dollar gift certificate, an apology and asked me to please let them know when I leave the country for my own credit safety.  My second story begins in an elevator where we bumped into two residents from Northwestern hospital who were recently married and recognized my partner from the same workplace.  To our delight we had drinks with them and then the last day dinner by shear accident because they happened to be in the same restaurant and I asked if we could join them.  They were very happy to have us and we had a wonderful time.  During our conversations what came up was a story that my partner shared about when we went to the Dominican Republic.  He stated that he felt so saddened by the poverty there and that it broke his heart.  He then stated that "Elliott has a different view of poverty".  I suddenly felt put on the spot but decided to share my view about the same experience and similar ones.  The viewpoint that I shared was that prosperity is not measured by the clothing we wear or the house we live in or the amount of money we have, because what I saw in the children in the Dominican Republic was abandoned joy and laughter.  What I saw was that we are the ones who believe they are sad little people and perceive them as being in poverty.  What I know in my heart is that they are more prosperous than some of the rich people in America or Italy or France because they are living in the moment and in gratitude for what they have, health, food and wellness of mind and spirit.  I ended it by saying that we are a little spoiled and think that our joy is derived from our cars or our clothing or our salary.  We place a little too much emphasis on things that have nothing to do with the prosperity of spirit and the prosperity of God.  Those children running about in a field are closer to God and love than we think.  They are happier than we think and I would even caution others to truly look at them, their energy and their soul, because if you do you will see prosperity.  We could have stayed in a five diamond resort and felt unhappy because if was not the five diamond hotel that brought us the most joy, it was being together, feeling the sun, swimming in the pool, people watching and sun bathing.  The prosperity for me was in the fact that we were so happy and in our most abundant place in our hearts.

It is our spiritual journey that will make a difference in how we use what we own and are blessed to have.  Taking the time to nurture and acknowlege that part of us will automatically create abundance and prosperity where it counts.  There is nothing wrong with money and as most would say it is not the money, it is really how you use it.  This blog is not about money but rather about what else makes up properity and how we can evolve in a way that is about heart and spiritually centered abundance not just financial abundance.  Our meditations and prayers will be what will matter in the end because we are as my grandma would point out "not taking the money with us when we die".  And so my suggestion to all of you is to take a look at where you are spiritually and how this ties into everything including work and material things.  A balance of spiritual prosperity, emotional prosperity, physical prosperity and financial properity might be a good place to look first. 

I will ask each of you to look up.  Look up and see the expansive sky and understand that there is no charge for that.  Look up and feel the clouds moving and know that this is love and prosperity and abundance all wrapped up in love.  Look up and feel the energy of the Goddess warming your soul and your body and understand that she is your abundant source.  When you believe that prosperity is measured in increments of love and gratitude for what you have and for what is there will be an evolution in you. 

In Light,
Coach Elliott


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