If It Does Not Challenge You

I was just on my Face Book page and my daughter posted this quote:
"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you"

It only took me a few seconds to figure out that maybe this is what some of you need to hear, because I sure did.  If I think about what is going on right now in my life and how challenging it has been, I realize that this will create change in my life because I am once again, challenged.  This is how we learn and this is definitely how I make changes in my own life at times.  It takes a freaking bad situation to force us to look closely at what we are doing, where we are heading and to just get the hell out of the dark. 

Looking through the keyhole and exacting where we are is another way for us to become who we want to be, who we know we are and who we will become more of.  That is painful to think about however when we see this as the truth of life we feel much better about how long we were in the dark because we found the light.  It took us residing in that dark place for us to realize that of course it is time to get out or that our life really depends on it. 

It is great when we make a change because we know we need to and we want to in order to move through life and experience and progress.  I don't think we always have to be challenged to make a change but sense that we do because it cannot happen any other way.  If we listen to that voice in us that is asking for a change, asking for a new path, asking to be loved, asking to move into the light, we can get there before the overflow of emotions try to drown us, but there is always that hit over the head from God if we don't get it any other way. 

Look at what is challenging you as a message that there needs to be some transformation and new thought.  Look at what pains you and see it as a  challenge that will lead you to other side.  Once you are on the other side you will remember that you have been there before and that you often times have accomplished the change even if it was painful. 

Challenge yourself to change and don't wait for the wave if you like.  After all there is more than one way to come out the other side.  You can choose to challenge yourself.  You can do it because you have decided that living in the dark for too long is not fun.  Your challenge is to become your highest self by taking the challenge and turning it into a message wrapped in a gift. 
Love, Light, Hope, Inspiration,
Coach Elliott


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