Do You Know Why You Feel Stuck?

I believe that many of us are unhappy because we feel stuck.  Sometimes we call that being stagnant. Whether it is in relationships where we feel stuck, a job or our spiritual journey being stuck means feeling as though we are not where we'd like to be.  Here are some ways to get un-stuck:

Have an intention:
The most basic way to move your energy is to hold an intention.  Every day that you get up is a chance to live your life the way you want to live it and most of all live it fully.  Take the time to decide what your intention is for the day and remind yourself of it as often as needed.
Example: I hold the intention to be joyful and grateful all day long.

Listen to your intuition:
We often get stuck because we are not listening to our intuitive heart.  We have all heard this before: "I should of listened to my. Intuition".  Intuition has literally saved people's lives and while many of us don't understand it, intuition is that inner voice that speaks to us, advises us and protects us.  Listening to our inner voice will help us to move forward with confidence and knowing we are doing the right thing for ourselves.

Decide on and make some commitments;
I have avoided the word "goals" for many years now.  It is not that I don't understand why some people need to view things in terms of goals, it is just that I would rather view goals as commitments we make to our highest self.  We all know what those few commitments should be based on what our intuition is telling us but we choose to ignore the message.  The truth is that simple commitments like walking every day for our health or eating healthier foods will propel us to where we are happier and where we feel a sense of freedom.  Getting out of our rut means that we must make some basic decisions about what we are to do so that our life sparkles and shines.

Become silent every day:
When we are stuck and worried we tend to want to fill in the time by doing things.  We avoid silence because it is scary to think about what has us to worried and stuck where we are at.  Yet the only way to receive guidance from any source is by becoming silent so that the messages you need to hear come through.  We cannot move in the direction that we need to move in if we are constantly chattering.  Becoming honest with our inner spirit and admitting we are just running from the truth is one of the best ways to get un-stuck.

Move, shake, rattle, dance, exercise:
I am getting to the point where I don't love that word exercise, yet what I know with certainty is that moving, dancing, shaking or walking will move our energy from stagnant and dark to joyful and light.  We cannot avoid the truth about a body in motion and how that alone helps us to get clarity.  For those of us who have been on a regimen of any kind of movement (Yoga included), the act of just moving makes us feel better, think more clearly and become happier overall.  It is so easy to do when you just select a method you like when you decide to shake your body into a calmer state.

Release it, release him, release her, release that:
I know in my heart that the best way to get unstuck in relationships with people, things or jobs is to release it.  Letting go is not always easy yet we know when it is time.  Being stuck in a job you hate, a relationship that feels dry or in debt because you are so attached to the material stuff are just some of the reasons we feel upset and even depressed.  When you release the people or things that are weighing you down emotionally and spiritually you take back your feeling of peace and wholeness.  Getting back on track often times means that we must be willing to let go and go from dependent to independent.  It takes a knowing of what is good for you to help you decide to let go of what is not good for you.  When you feel stuck many times it has to do with what you are holding on to that does not align with your highest good.

I would love to hear your thoughts around this subject and invite you all to make some comments.  Thank you for reading my blogs.
Coach Elliott


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