How To Be Happier Now

It may seem like your experiences in life have control of your joy.  When you expeience good things you are happy and when you don't, not so much.  Wouldn't it be nice if you could be happy more often and that things would not alter your joy as much as it has in the past?  Well, here are some ways to be happier more often:

1. Set the intention: 
We forget how powerful our mind is and that in fact we could set the intention to experience more joy.  The message we send to our brain each morning when we awaken is of vital importance.  This is when can set our intention and put it into words that our brain will accept.
Here's an example: "I intend to communicate with joy and love in my heart"
As easy as this may sound, or perhaps to some unbelievable, deciding how we intend to do things and how we will view things is a powerful tool.

2. Intervene the beast: 
When something comes your way that distracts you from your happiness have a plan of intervention. The way to intervene something like anger or fear is by first sitting in silence and then having a mantra prepared ahead of time.  The purpose of a mantra is so that you are ready to send your inner spirit a message to assist you in coming back to your joyful self.
A mantras: "I chose to feel good" Or "This is a feeling, not who I am".

3. Remember your real essence: 
Whenever your joy is interrupted by your own thoughts, recall that you were born with joy and love not with fear, anger or anxiety.  Tell yourself: "I was born with joy and love and it is my calling".  Never forget who you were born to be and that no one was born angry or insecure.  Take back that essence of who you really are.

4. Check Inside: 
Go inside and check in with yourself.  Ask yourself this question or a similar one: "Do I believe I deserve to be happy".  If the answer is no then intervene the beast and if your inner response is yes then start living with joy in your heart by doing things that bring you joy and remembering your true essence.  If that is not enough sit down and write a short list of five things you want to release.  Then shred it or burn it stating: "I release these thoughts in service to taking back my divine happiness".  Checking inside on occasion can literally intercept feelings of darkness.  As soon as you are feeling a shift in your energy, stop and check in, asking yourself: "What am I feeling right now and why?"  And "What can I do right now to love myself?"

5. List of gratitudes: 
Every night for twenty one days, write the five things you are grateful and joyous for.  Be creative about the words you use, ones that will elicit colors and a vibrant image for your mind to store all night as you sleep.  Listing what you are grateful for will help you to see that there are some very good reasons to be happy.
Here's a sample: "I am in deep gratitude for my sense of humor and my ability to elicit laugher in others".

I am not saying not to feel your feelings of sadness, anger or jealousy.  Sometimes we just need to feel those feelings and as part of the healing cry or pound our hand onto a pillow while screaming.  I am sharing that joy is something that we sometimes need to work on and be intentional in manifesting it.  I am sharing that happiness can be natural for some of us while for others a difficult feeling to feel and something we think we don't deserve.  We form the habit of viewing others with suspicion and our life as hard.  This list of five things may be helpful in amplifying your happiness.  Consider the 21 day nightly gratitude just before bedtime and know that joy and love is our true identity.
Coach Elliott


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