Make Your Home Beautiful Now

I think that ones home is a sacred space and that no matter how much money one has, anyone can make their space beautiful, comfortable and one that expresses their spirit.  When one approaches decor for a minimal amount you can create a space that is clean lined and very affordable.

Here's how you can make your space beautiful:

Go minimal:
If you are concerned about money there are ways you can approach decorating your home with minimal things.  A mattress and box spring on a metal frame can work with a bed skirt and some basic white bedding or sheet with a solid colored blanket.  Add a basic floor lamp or a table lamp on a vintage table or dresser that is painted by you.  It looks modern and is very affordable.

Think recycle/ thrift shop:
Go to the thrift shops in your area to find used items.  You can find anything from sofas, tables and headboards, vases and accessories for bargain prices.  Remember you can always paint some items in basic white, black or even pink if you like.  Paint makes things look like new.

Consider basic white: 
Usually finding things in white is easy and many times you can find a bargain on basics like sheets, blankets, pillow shams, bath mats and duvets.  I discovered a great idea with table clothes that have some cut work which is to use them on twin beds.  I just placed it over a plain white duvet with an comforter insert to make it look fancier and more finished.  An all white room looks very rich and you can always add to it.   I also suggest painting things in mat white and if you like the look, distressing it with some sand paper.

Ask around: 
Sometimes family or friends are looking to give things to charity.  You may want to ask your friends and family if they have something they would be willing to give you instead of donating it.  Although it may seem uncomfortable to ask most people who care about you will be delighted to give you the item instead of donating it.

Use some material: 
The easy way to make a sofa or chair look new is by draping material onto it.  This could be a cool patterned blanket or a bed cover.  As long as the sofa is clean and in good condition this could at the very least be something temporary.  Material to drape onto a sofa or sofa chair can be purchased at a thrift store as well.

Add personality with accessories: 
This aspect of decor is likely the most important because it adds an individual touch and makes your home look like it reflects you and your personality.  Accessories are the additional items like: art, vases, bowls, decorative pillows, statues, lamps and more.  Accessories can be playful, colorful, neutral or contrasting.  Like the other items you can find wonderful accessories at Goodwill and other thrift store.  Marshall's, Home Goods and other discount stores are great places to get a bargain on accessories that are expressive of you.

I believe anyone can have a beautiful home.  I think that having a beautiful home is really about respecting where you live and believing we are important enough to live in a space that reflects us.  I also think that it is not about having a lot of money and that one can live beautifully using very little money.  When we buy at a thrift we are recycling and we are honoring the earth not to mention getting some unique things for our home that we can revamp with a little sandpaper or white paint.  Whether you live in a home that you own, a room you rent or an apartment I believe we are deserving of living beautifully.  Remembering that where we spend our time is of utmost importance is critical to honoring our spirit and in some way lifts us up.  Make your home beautiful, Now.
Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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