What You Don't Know Will Hurt You

There is perhaps a little place in me that wants to believe in this American saying of: "What you don't know can't hurt you".  Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but what you don't know, well, it could possibly hurt you.  Allow me to share why.

I believe that some of those things you don't know can hurt you, like: 

Someone or an entity of some kind could be waiting to introduce chaos.

The things that you are ignoring are not just going to go away.

Lack of knowledge of those things we need to know can end up costing us.

A lack of spiritual understanding can be damming.

We have often times heard people say that they should of listened to their Intuition.  In some cases people have been injured because they failed to hear that inner voice.  For many of us danger comes in the form of a person or entity that we have not noticed.  Our intuition warns us when someone or something may be posing a danger or concern we need to address.  Although we cannot stop everything being attentive to what surrounds us and what is going on will help us to prevent something that could very well hurt us.

More often than not we know what is going on in our life that needs an application of love, compassion or attention of some kind.  Ignoring things will not make them go away or get better.  Whether it is your relationship, your home needing repair or staying in a job you dislike, paying attention and staying in awareness is the only way to avoid you or anyone else from being hurt.

We have been faced with situations of which we know little about.  Getting the knowledge we need is crucial in living a life that is healing rather than costly, emotionally toxic or negative.  The lack of knowledge is akin to roaming without a goal and then wondering why we keep running into the wall. We can enhance our success in life by getting the knowledge we need by: doing research, hiring someone who has the skill we need or opening our hearts and surrendering.

I believe in God and Goddess but that is not to be interpreted as spiritual.  I see the belief in a higher being as one thing and our spiritual persona and actions as yet something separate.  Having a spiritual belief only means that you know the core of who you are and who we all are: spiritual human being.  Not knowing your spirit is a lot like not knowing yourself at the very core of your heart and humanness.  Knowing who we are at the deepest part of our mind, body, and soul helps us to avoid situations that would otherwise hurt us in some way: spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically or creatively.  Knowing our spiritual gift is helpful in every area of our life and will avoid un-necessary pain.

My encouragement of all my readers is that you remain positive while at the same time face and address the truth.   What we don't know can in fact hurt us and although being in fear is not helpful being in awareness and intention is.  When we decide that our intention is to be in the light and face the darkness where it appears we can live a life that is balanced and honorable.

Coach Elliott Maximo


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