Intend It and It Shall Be

Intention is everything is what I tell myself repeatedly on some days when I tend to forget more than once.  We are the busy society and we seem to be so proud of it that when we are asked how we are doing we often say: "I've been very busy".  I rarely take that response seriously and what I have observed is that people who keep themselves busy do this to avoid their feelings.  Instead of living with intention they are ruled by schedules starting with their 9-5 jobs.  Living with intention is living with purpose and it is about feeling the feelings and letting go of the fear that keeps us in avoidance.

What is intention you might ask?: 
Intention is when we decide that we are going to live a joyful, loving, self-compassionate life.  Intention means that we set the mood we will live in day by day.  Intention is empowering and it is when we send the message to our brain that we chose to be in a place of love.

So what is the first step?: 
The first step to living a life of intention is to set your intention each day by sitting in silence for about 10 minutes and allowing your intuition to work with you to co-create the intention or intentions for the day.  Think of it as a guide for your day.
Here are two examples: My intention is to communicate with everyone around me in a compassionate manner.  My intention is to see the good in myself and others.
When you set an intention you are living with purpose and you are setting yourself up for success, prosperity and joy.

What do I do when the outer noises and negativity shows up?: 
The very first thing to do when you allow a situation or person to trigger you is to start to stop, become quite and have a mantra like: "I chose to feel good", "I know that this is not my story", or "I am whole and nothing can impede my own peace of mind".  How you talk to yourself is crucial if you want to remain in a state of positive intention.  A mantra and a little nudging by you to you will get you back on track.

So the next time you get up in the morning set that intention right away.  Take the time to sit comfortably in a soft chair and decide what your intention is for the day.  If someone or something triggers you have a self-message or mantra to bring you back to your original state of intention.  Stopping for a few seconds and taking some deep breaths will also help immensely.  Remember that by setting your intention you are living a purpose driven life, not just wandering about aimlessly or keeping yourself busy so that you don't think.  The more you live intentionally the happier you will be.

Write five intentions that you feel would be aligned with what you want more of in your life.  Live like those intentions are the most important thing each day.  Make your actions align with your loving intentions.  See how that feels for a couple of weeks.


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