Take Time To Breathe

There are so many of us who are stuck in what I refer to as running mode, running constantly from one thing to the next.  Soon we are not thinking about what we are doing but rather automatically doing it.  Eventually our body and often times our mind react to the constant running.  It is that human response to a spiritual issue that asks us to consider taking the time to breathe.

Here are some useful tips:

Time to chill:
Carve out time each day to just do nothing.  Time in a comfy chair, put your feet up and listen to some soft music.  Sit on your swing chair on your deck and read a book or listen to the birds chirping.  Take a walk in the park, hug a tree in gratitude and lay under it for an hour.  Taking the time to chill and breathe rejuvenates the spirit.  Our body and mind needs some time to just be still and breathe.

A breathing exercise:
I am an advocate for this breathing exercise.  Inhale through your nose for a count of ten, hold it in for a count of four, then exhale through your mouth for a count of ten forcing all the air out.  Doing this a few times a day will help relieve stress and calm you.  It's one of my favorite reminders to take a pause and honor myself.

Meditation is about honoring yourself.  Sit in a comfy mat or meditation floor chair and close your eyes.  Breath deeply for a few minutes and do your best not to think about anything specific.  If something comes up in your mind have a mantra to repeat that will re-center you and bring you back to your breathing and silence like: I am peaceful and nothing matters but this moment in time".  Meditation takes time to master but in a simple way it is all about breathing and silencing the outer world.

Breathing for self-love:
This kind of breathing is centered around the heart.  It only requires you to close your eyes and then  place your hand on your heart.  Feel your heart beat and then begin to breathe deeply.  Ask your source: God, Angels, Buddha, Spirit to guide you.  Imagine water pouring into your heart and cleansing it of all that has been held in there.  Breathing for self-love is breathing with thoughts of loving yourself and accepting yourself as you are.  Breathing with this focus in mind will access love and intentionally nurture you.

We somehow believe that breathing is natural and that may be true.  However, breathing with an intention to calm our inner demons and bring love into our heart is not what we normally do unless we think about it.  If we take notice at any given time we will experience that we are breathing very shallow and at other time very fast.  It is like we are in a hurry to breathe so that we can do the things we think we need to do quickly.  It is not the norm for us to breathe with some intention and for a purpose.  Yet when we learn to do this practice we heal our hearts and we live a calmer life.


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