Feel Better Now

There are many reasons to feel badly, some of which are quite legitimate and some not so much.  It is my contention that most of the time we bring darkness and light depending on our state of mind.  For this reason it is good to have some life tools that will help turn things around quickly and efficiently.  Here are some ways to do that:

1. Set the intention
2. Stop and breathe
3. Have a go to mantra or phrase 
4. Release it 

When you set your intention you give yourself permission to decide how the day will unfold.  When you set an intention you are purposeful.  An intention like, 'I will interact with courage and love today" is a message to our inner self of what we want to happen versus what we don't.  The more we focus on a postive intention the more likely it will be that we will experience an outcome we will be happier experiencing.  Once your intention is set remind yourself by repeating your intention and your mantra.  When things seem to look bleak even a simple intention like: "I will do my very best at every thing I do today" can lead us in the direction of joy. 

When I say stop and breathe I mean do some purposeful, meaningful and deep breathing.  Stop everything and inhale for a count of 10, hold it for a count of 4 and exhale through your mouth fully forcing the air completely out.  Do this at least 6 times and as oten as you feel is needed.  We surely lice in a world of instant gratification and soft addictions yet nothing is more accessable than self-nurturing techniques like basic deep breathing.  Placing your hand to your heart and closing your eyes can make the experience deeper and more sacred.  

We have all kinds of tapes running through our head and a lot of them are negative.  We tell ourselves things like, "that was stupid" and "I feel like shit" more automatically than we say positive things.  A mantra is a positive self-loving act and is something we can go to when we are feeling stressed.  A mantra only needs to be as short phrase like: "I am the light and worthy of feeling good" or "I love who I am and know that I am good enough".  It may seem silly yet a mantra can be extremely useful in getting us out of the dark place we are in and into a loving light place.  I suggest writing your short mantra and carrying it around all day.  

It is easier said than done yet releasing is really the only way to move forward, whether it is during the course of a day or over a longer period of time.  I advocate for ceremonies and hence I write what I would like to release and burn it safely.  There is a power in writing something you want to release and destroying it while stating: "I release this".  Sacred ceremonies can involve a candle, music, a burning bowl and sage.  One can make this a ritual that is very simple to quite complex.  I believe there is a strong symbolism in rituals as long as we are faithful and open hearted.  

This blog is about feeling better and doing so in a way that is simple and easy.  Sometimes this is really all we need.  By taking the time to set our intention, breathe, recite a mantra and intentionally releasing what is bothersome we are loving ourselves and being intentional about nurturing the feelings.  We can only stuff things down so long and by addressing things immediately we are telling our inner guide that we are worth the effort to become joyful and to heal ourselves.  

I look forward to your feedback so feel free to make comment in the box provided.  Coach Elliott 


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