Act Like A Man, Think Like A Woman

As some of you might be aware Steve Harvey wrote a book of the same title so I would like to give that wonderful man credit for the title of my blog.  Hopefully he won't come after me to sue me.  What I know about this statement is that it has a much deeper meaning than we men may think.  In fact it has profound meaning to me and will speak to my own experience as a man.  What I hope is that some men read this and apply it in their relationships with women: their partners, their wives, their daughter and the women they work with.  With this said I would like to admit to one very important aspect of myself and that is that I am a "feminist".  Here's what I think about how men can embrace their feminine energy and better communicate with the women in their lives:

Of the many women I have coached most have admitted that they prefer a man who is masculine and that acts like a man.  These women have expressed that they are way OK with men being gentlemen and dong things like opening doors and coming to the date with flowers in their hand.  Yet what I know is that many men are unaware of these and other simple things that women often think about and that they would like men to know.  Men can benefit greatly from thinking like a woman and becoming more attune to their own feminine self and hence having a better connection with women.

Thinking like a woman may seem very daunting yet in a way it is as simple as turning down the volume and having a willingness to be softer and more vulnerable.  The key to thinking like a woman is acute listening.  Men can learn a ton of good things by simply listening attentively to what women say and inviting open and honest communication between themselves and the woman or women they love.  This is a skill and one that all men can acquire if they are willing to surrender their masculine energy to invite their feminine side to come forward.  The very things that make a man closed minded to the needs of women are the very same things that block other magical and joyful life experiences.  For this reason men must be willing to look at them selves and become honest about how broken they are, doing the work involved to heal themselves.  Most of all it takes good listening skills to determine what a woman will and does respond to with favor, but if we are unhealed then this becomes an inner battle that confines us and separates us from the divine feminine.

Men often fight against the current instead of going with the flow.  While on the other hand many women know how to flow and let the current take them where they need to be, knowing that sometimes life is a series of spontaneous and magical events.  For men to be able to relate to women we too must be willing to live in the flow and to let the current take us to where we may very well be destined for.  Surrendering to life is part of the glorious journey we call life.  Surrendering and becoming vulnerable creates an opening for us to have some beautifully organic experiences.  This is something that women know and as men we miss because we are trying to maintain control of everything, including those things that we don't really have any control of.  Life is smoother when we think like a woman while still being a man.  Life is better when we let life happen to us at times when the is obvious that we are trying to fit the square peg into the small round hole.  Knowing this is a skill yet something as easy as knowing when to let go, when to let the wind raise your kite and when to trust ourselves.

Thinking like a woman is an advantage yet not all men understand how advantageous it is.  Thinking like a woman and doing what a woman has said or demonstrated is loving, kind or smart is like taking a course in Life 101 because it is so simple and makes so much sense.  The more we behave like courageous men who protect women and most importantly support women the better a man we become.  For to be a man is not just the act of or our sex organs but rather our ability to relate to women, respect women, love women, honor women, embrace women and fully love our inner feminine.

Dedicated to the women of: "The Fierce 50 Revolution" and my daughters and granddaughter who have loved me without condition.  Thank you.


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