Healing Silence

Silence is healing and yet many of us are busy chattering and avoiding silence.  We tend to find silence awkward  and uncomfortable.  We don't know what to do with it and as a result we talk, talk, talk our heads off.  We are avoiding our thoughts because we believe that they may be too painful.  I silence we become fearful because now it is only us and our thoughts, nothing to deter us from the truth.  We keep ourselves busy so that we are not sitting in silence and yet the very thing we are avoiding is the very thing that will heal us.  Silence is really a way to hold reverence and we should intentionally hold ourselves reverent every day by becoming silent.  It is the very thing we need to destress and rebuild our inner strength.  

Mediation is a way to become silent and let go of the chatter that makes us feel anxious.  When we meditate we are giving ourselves a chance to bring in the light of life and gather our feelings.  Just sitting and taking some deep breaths with the intention to relax is healing for the mind and body.  We should do this each and every day for a period of time in the morning and at night.  A few minutes of reverence, silence, mediation will result in positive energy because we are saying yes to self care and self nurturing.  Silence is truly "golden" and meant to give us that time to regroup and release bad energy.  Breathing in light and exhaling stress is the way that I imagine it.  By taking the time each day to honor yourself you are giving your mind, body and spirit the message that you matter, that you are important.  

I want to support and encourage every one of my readers to sit or lay down for a minimum of fifteen minutes in the morning and afternoon to become silent and clear the cobwebs around you.  Honor yourself for thirty minutes a day by being reverent and loving to yourself.  Try this for twenty one days and see what happens.  I guarantee that it will manifest something different, something that you will note brings your vibration soaring up.  

1. Set up a comfortable place to hold silence.  Put on some mediation or melodic music.  Lay down.
2. Inhale through the nose for a count of ten, hold it for a count of four, exhale through your mouth fully pushing the breath out. Do this ten times while envisioning light coming into your heart as you inhale and stress releasing as you exhale. 
3. Lay in silence as you listen to music that will relax you.  If something comes to mind be ready with a short message like: I am centered in peace and reverence.  Do this for fifteen minutes as you continue to breath into your heart and with loving intention.  You may hold your hand over your heart as you imagine breathing into it.  
4.  Commit to doing this for 21 day in a row.  

Note: Having a space that you set up for recent time would be recommended.  Decorate that space with a beautiful blanket or mat and artifacts that have meaning for you.  Consider candles that are battery operated inside glass containers of beautiful colorations.  Make your space beautiful and representative of peace and serenity.  


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