Daddy's Phone

Recently an FB friend posted the loss of her father and added that she wanted to keep his phone.  She felt silly sharing it and admitted it.  I reread the post and thought, "no, that's not silly at all".  I understand why someone would like to hold on to a part of someone they love and that part does not need to seem valuable or important to others but rather important to the person who is addressing a loss.  I remember a client sharing her love for a bracelet left to her by her grandmother.  She told me that when she wore the bracelet it made her feel empowered as a female.  It was to me not just a loving thought towards her grandmother but the possibility that her grandmother's energy was inside that object that she once wore.

Although it may for some be a good ideas to release the belongings of a loved one there are good reasons to maintain a keepsake.  This may sound odd to some yet to me it makes perfect sense.  By keeping something of the person who has passed on we are lovingly connected to them and find some form of peace, serenity and acceptance.  My daughter has some nightshirts that her mother wore and I have a red scarf of hers.  I recall how happy I was when my daughter gave me the scarf announcing that it had belonged to her mother, my former wife and good friend.  Every time I put that scarf on I feel happiness and I often smell it because it seems to have her scent, although I would not recognize it as well as my children do.

Releasing people who are no longer with us in physical form is healthy while acknowledging them in spirit form is yet another.  Giving ourselves permission to continue to have a spiritual connection with someone we continue to love is what I would say is healthy.  While there are many who would find this odd, Latinos are often raised to connect with their spiritual entities.  Perhaps this is why it is so natural for me. When we have a spiritual relationship with someone we loved in their physical form the relationship becomes permanent and never ends.  We can talk to that person, ask for advise and dream of them without fear and with a magical healthy energy.

I believe that dying in physical form is only part one and that what happens next is that we transform into a spiritual self.  We then live in this form endlessly or until we decide to come back in a new physical form.  I believe it is an eternal life and opportunities to come back and try the physical form again.  My experience with the most recent death of a loved one is that spirit lives on after the physical person is gone.  I feel her presence and I feel as though she is supporting me during my time of need.  The red scarf that I own of hers is an item that I cherish having and that brings me closer to her.  It does not matter what it is that you want to hold onto in memory of someone you love, even a phone.  Nothing is too insignificant as to hold the energy of the person you love.  Perhaps the people who listen to their loved ones voicemail message seem odd to some of us yet for that person it is that one single thing that has and will always have some important meaning.

We deal with the parting of loved ones in many different ways.  If letting go of every single memory works for you then that is what you must do.  Yet each of us must know that holding on to something of significance is not bad or makes us less able to release our loved one.  Having something that belongs to someone you love can be healing for you and no one is allowed to judge you for keeping your mother's nightgowns or your great grandmother's ring.  For some having keeping something for yourself means that we simply want that person's energy with us and that we don't want to disgard them and not have any more feelings of loss.

This blog is dedicated to the woman who posted her need to keep daddy's phone.  I for one, get it.


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