You Can Be Single And Happy

Most of us single folks have endured the messages and questions about being single and the suggestions about how to find "true love".  The fact remains that being single is misrepresented and misinterpreted.  For some of us being single and happy is more about accepting ourselves and being happily married to our self.  It is in that energy that I share this with all of you:

Learn to Love You: 
There is one truth in life and that is that we would rather love someone else than to focus on the fact that we don't love ourselves.  Hence we don't learn how to love ourselves fully because we are the last person we think needs it.  Learning to love ourselves is hard work but it is worthwhile.  The fact remains that if you don't love yourself you will never love someone else fully and be happy.

Let Love Come To You: 
In this age of computers we are looking for love faster then we can deal with it.  We can easily find a date or a "hook up" but the reality is that love is organic and we should not have to look for it.  Love is suppose to come to us in our everyday life as we are doing the very things we love to do: dancing, writing, traveling, shopping or walking in the park.  When love is meant to happen and we love ourselves fully then and only then will it happen.

Don't Hold On To Myths: 
If you are looking for "Prince Charming" and the "man on the white horse" you might as well call it even and settle for whoever comes along.  There is no Prince Charming and that white horse could very well be black.  Holding on to the myths and the Cinderella fairy tale is a sure way to failure in love and life.  Romance is great but the many myths about love will keep us stuck and further from finding real love.  Just be realistic with yourself and decide what kind of person you are looking for.  Then stick to it.

Keep Moving and Grooving:
While you are single and awaiting your love's desire keep dancing and doing what keeps you in your joyous state.  Do all of the things you like and be as creative as possible.  Don't stop your show or delay anything you don't want to wait for.  Sitting and waiting is a waste of your time and will do nohting to bring love to your life.  In fact the more you move around the more likely it will be that you will meet someone.

Find Your Inner Joy and Peace: 
Look inside and make a mental list of what lifts you up.  Decide that this is the state of being that you want to be in most of the time.  Finding your inner joy is about every part of your being.  The path to your inner joy is personal and could include going to church, praying, meditating, being in gratitude and simply knowing what brings you to your highest level of life.  Your inner joy is not far.  In fact it resides inside of you so you don't have to look to far.

Be OK With Life As It Is: 
Accept, in fact, embrace your single life.  Being single is not a bad thing.  Accepting where you are in your life makes it easier to enjoy life while on the other hand not accepting it will only result in pain. Be Ok with life as it is right now and in this moment.  In fact be joyous where you are and have gratitude around it.  Think about how special your life is with the people that are in it now.  Have an appreiciation for your life as it is.  Life is great whether you are single or married.


Write the ten perks of being single.  Keep the list and review it when you are feeling down on yourself. Know that being single has many advantages and embrace where you are in the now.

Review the divorce statistics and know that being married can be quite temporary because people don't think hard enough before they say "I do".  " It is better to be alone than in the company of the wrong person as my grandmother would say. "

Coach Elliott


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