The Power Of The Goddess

For so long we have believed that the goddess was solely a symbol of the feminine and only about women.  Many have viewed being feminine as being weak and that being subservient was something that came with being a woman.  There has been so many negative connotations that even women have struggled with celebrating their inner feminine goddess believing that being more masculine would get them further in life.  Although accessing the divine masculine can be helpful to a woman and her rise in a business setting for example, there is good reason to celebrate and allow the inner goddess to come forward and be empowered as only a goddess can become empowered.  I think that the main false belief is that being a goddess and being feminine is weak yet the truth is that there is a unique and empowered element to the goddess.

My own personal experience with the empowered goddess can be traced back to my great grandmother and my grandmother.  What I witnessed was a subtle and powerful energy that translated into action.  Nothing was too difficult for my grandmother who ran a household with one hand and made sure that everyone had what they needed.  At the same time when she felt unloved she was the first to say so.  It was at those times when I knew that the divine feminine was not to be messed with.  I have been gifted from observing these women in my life but what I took away as the most important life lesson was that one does not have to raises your voice to achieve what one wants.  I could get what I wanted by addressing others with love and compassion.  I could be heard by being soft and knowing my boundaries.

What I have experienced in life is to walk behind the woman and to always let her enter first.  What I have witnessed is that women have a high degree of power because of the way they address a situation or a person. That unique goddess energy opens doors and makes people almost automatically respond with kindness.  Perhaps the word power is not as appropriate as being empowered.  In fact, I believe that the goddess is empowered in cases where a woman knows and embraces her goddess energy.  As a man I know that I may have some goddess energy gifted to me by women and through my own willingness to learn and use that feminine energy to open doors and to interact with a loving and compassionate nature.  All of us males can use the goddess energy in a way that would get positive results in life with people and in situations we find ourselves in.  I love the Southern saying: "you can get more with sugar"and I think women know this best.

The goddess energy is one of kindness, compassion, love and self-assurance.  Goddess power is more an empowerment than the traditional definition of power.  It is the calm knowing that one does not need to bully anyone to get results or to achieve a goal.  When one is empowered by the goddess one does not need to raise hell to get to heaven.  One does not need to scream, yell or use fowl language to get others to hear them or understand them.  When one is empowered by the goddess there is a constant knowing and a self-assurance that is natural and not arrogant.  Doors are opened up by being a person who understands that love will always trump hate.

As a man I have learned some of the empowering characteristics of the goddess.  I learned it from women and I am grateful for the lessons I have learned and used positively  and effectively.  When I become like the goddess and behave with understanding I see immediate results and when I behave in a way that is less nurturing I see how it adversely effects my life.  It is the empowered goddess inside of me that brings me the joy and serenity I need in every moment of life and most of all in my struggles.  I for one want to celebrate the "power" of the goddess and say thank you to the women in my life.
Dedicated to my daughter's: Taina Luz and Camille Marie and their mother Luz Maria Luna-Collazo


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