For All The Moms

Today I celebrated Mother's Day with my two daughters.  I had a lovely time yet what I felt in the air was their desire to have their mother here with them.  She should have not died at 63 and not have seen her most recently born granddaughter, Amelia Luz, named after her and her mother.  There was an evident void today not having that matriarch with us with all the splendor and joy that she was to them.  Nothing I could of done would have made any difference although I did all that I could to make certain they knew what wonderful mothers they are to their children and the legacy that they carry on as goddesses and as women.  Still it was a good day and each of us made every effort to be present for one another and as usual there was food and time to relax and simply be.

For all of the mothers out there I would like to say thank you.  I for one am grateful for the mother who held me in her womb for nine months and labored to see to it that I was born into this world.  Perhaps like me many of your moms were not perfect yet what we must all be in gratitude for is that each of them did their best.  My own memories of my mother are mixed and frankly sometimes difficult yet when she passed I made certain to let her know that whatever she may be holding on to she could let go and that I forgave her for her imperfections.  She was a mother that was hard core about life and about bringing me up and although there were moments when I thought I did not like her much I grew up to understand that her best was all that she had and that some of her behaviors and beliefs helped me to grow up a strong and independent man.

Today I would like to acknowledge every mom out there who did her best and those who succeeded but also to those who may think they failed, because every effort that each of you made as a mom was one that was done with thoughtfulness and with the desire to do good by your children.  With all of the mothers out there that have raised children with all of their heart there are still going to be ones that stray.  Just knowing that once your children grow to be adults they will make their own decisions is constellation.  As fathers we know that a mother can never be duplicated or replaced.  For those of us who have lost our mothers we must simply hold the memory of her inside of us and be in our inner light that we once had this kind of unconditional and urgent love.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of the world, whether they birthed their child, adopted their child, been part of the rearing of a children or selected to raise a child, thank you.
Coach Elliott


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