Reliving Your Old Story?

We have all done it, made up stories, ones that we believe and ones that run our life.  We hold on to past experiences and we relive it over and over until we make ourselves ill and make others around us want to run away from us.  These stories are ones we have spun from the pain we experienced that we continue to hold on to.  Unable to let it go we simply relive it and actually add to our life story in a way that does not serve us.  When we do this we stay stuck in that story because we won't let go of it.  We may believe that we are justified in reliving and retelling our story but every time we do we become more of that old story, one that we refuse to let go and one we must release in order to live our new and more positive life.  Letting go of the stories we have held onto or so long is crucial and there are ways to do just that.

Writing our old story and then our new story is one tangible way to let go of the old story.  Taking a minimum of an hour write your old story in detail making sure to be specific to those things that you feel have controlled your life or impacted it negatively.  When you are done writing your old story wait one day to write your new story.  An example of something you would write as an old story is: In my old story I was a victim and was abused or taken advantage by others.  An example of your new story could be: In my new story I am courageous and empowered.  I am a warrior and a survivor.  When you finish your new story destroy the old one by safely burning it

Not continuing to retell our old story and speaking more of what we want to create in our life is a way of beginning to live a new and positive life story.  By focusing on what we want more of we will literally manifest a more positive outcome.  We may think that telling our old story for a very long period of time is releasing the anger or resentment it often amplifies it.  To look at our past childhood issues and violations to us is one thing but living in the old story is quite another.  By reliving our old story we simply beat ourselves up emotionally and compound the emotional issues.  In the end letting go of out old story will lead us on the path to healing from it.

Forgiving ourselves and others cleanses us and allows us to begin anew.  Forgiveness is not easy but we can realistically forgive ourselves and others for everything that we are in judgement about and holding on to.  When we go into forgiveness we go into a place of compassion.  We understand that others did not do or say what they did with the sole intention of hurting us but because they did not know better or have the tools to do better.  The alternative is to continue to hold on to our anger and to poison ourselves with that resentment.  Judgments about ourselves or others hold us emotionally hostage.  Letting go and forgiving frees our spirit and allows us to begin inside a new energy and space, taking a journey that is more positive and loving.

Having a mantra that is meaningful and helps us to steer clear of the old stuff prevents us from staying in the negative self-messages by giving us a reality check when we need a supportive self-loving thought.  A mantra like: " I am living in the present loving moment" or "I am at peace with myself and with others" are helpful in refocusing us into a more loving and compassionate state.  Mantras help us to speak to ourselves in an affirming manner and to take us from a negative thought to a positive one that will negate the negative one.  It is really that simple and even though we don't tend to believe that it is simple when we practice this kind of nurturing act we soon discover that it is possible.

Find your serenity and peace in the present moment.  Living in the now as Eckhart Tolle might say in his books is extremely important and asks us to be in the present moment and in a place of gratitude.  Living in the moment mean that we don't allow our past to hold us back from enjoying every minute of what is to come and to discover all that is in our future.  Often times what happens in our lives is that we are worried about the past or looking ahead of our future which in short does not allow us to live in that moment, enjoying it fully and lovingly.   We fail to live fully and in the present moment because we are so busy thinking about the past or worrying about the future.  Nothing robs our joy more efficiently than not living in the now.  In short we are living in our old story or we are living a story that has not yet occurred and in either case we are not living fully and in an awareness that is needed to be in gratitude and joy.

Reliving our old story seems to be easier than formulating a new one and living every moment with a sense of intention.  When we learn to live in the now we truly live a life that is the one we are intended to live.  

Coach Elliott


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