The Goddess Energy

I was one of those males who grew up around strong women.  My great grandmother, my grandmother and my mother were all women who were empowered, self-assured and at the same time expressed a divine feminine without censorship.  What I learned very early in life was that the goddess energy was powerful but more so empowering and compassionate.  It was something I witnessed in the women around me and it felt beautiful to me.  I was likely one of those men who respected the goddess from a very early age and that understood that the feminine was not just in them but in me.  Although I did not want to be feminine or like a female I did fully embrace the goddess energy.

For me the goddess energy is a loving energy yet and empowered frequency.  Women have the most goddess energy and although it may seem to be traditional thinking I believe that women have the most goddess energy and that it is natural and organic.  In other words it is a part of being a woman.  Within this energy is the power of intuition and the essence of nurturing others.  When I think of the goddess energy I think of the power to move mountains with love and the power to love others in ways that facilitate change.  The balanced goddess is one who shares wisdom and love while knowing and setting boundaries.

Some women have learned to censor their feminine goddess.  Some have been mistreated and disrespected as little girls and these types of violations have forced them to reject their inner goddess.  Others have fought to be seen and felt as though being a goddess was a sign of weakness and so they increased their masculine inner male.  Whatever the reason for dismissing their feminine side many women have suffered abusive situations that have dignified their decision to kill the goddess.  Although it may not be surprising to some of us women have fought to be women and to own their goddess.  In fact many women have fought long and hard just to earn equal pay for equal work.  It is no surprise then that women struggle with being women while fighting to be treated as equals.

In the past I asked myself why Goddess had sent only women to me to co-create with and to coach.  As a life coach and as a man I know that men are in serious need of life coaching and had hoped I would become a mentor for men.  It was not until I went into my heart and literally shed tears that I understood that there was a journey selected for me and that this journey was to work with women.  Since my graduation in 2008 I have only worked almost exclusively with women.  When I embraced this fact I understood that my being a nurturing man with goddess energy is the very reason I was chosen to do this work with women.  Today I feel honored and have accepted my path and my role in the lives of the women that I co-create with.

All men could learn something from women and the empowered goddess.  If we pay attention and become fearless men could not just adore the goddess but embrace her.  As males we often times fail to understand the power of the goddess and the balance that makes the goddess who she is.  We can learn so much about being vulnerable and human from the goddess.  Most of all we can become more like the goddess by becoming attentive and listening with our heart.  Most of all we must know that men have a responsibility to defend and advocate for women knowing fully that we would not even be here if it were not for being housed and nurtured by a woman for nine months.  It is up to us to make sure that we invite the goddess in and have a willingness to become more of the goddess we were all meant to be.

Food for Thought:
1. How do you define and express the empowered, loving and divine goddess?
2. What are the messages that you received as a child in regards to the feminine goddess?
3. In what ways have you honored and rejected your inner goddess energy?
4. As a male how have you honored and supported the goddesses in your life?
5. As a man how have you accessed, accepted and expressed your own inner goddess?

Dedicate to the Women of "The Fierce 50 Revolution"


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