Wait: It Will Come To You

With all of the dating sights on line one might think that the best way to meet that dream person is online.  I wonder if this is true given the fact that many people have reported otherwise and the statistics will tell you just how dangerous it is.  While some people may have met "Mr. Right" or "Miss Universe" there are many who have met their worse nightmare.  Like the lady in her sixties who met a man who sold himself as a war hero, attended a White House event and then found out that it was all a lie and that he'd drained her of all her money.  This is only one of many dark stories of women meeting men on the internet yet we still think this to be the best way to meet the right guy or girl.  

My daughters have never used online dating sights.  The oldest has been married for over ten years and the youngest still believes that love will come if it is meant to be.  I have to agree with her and say that what is for you will come to you.  You don't have to go out there and look for love in all the wrong places.  When you live a full and happy life and do all that your heart desires you will automatically meet men or women who are like you.  Looking for love in some ways is unnatural and not aligned with what is in your energy and meant to happen.  It is forcing something to happen that will happen organically and naturally.

Love is something that happens when you least expect it.  If you bring your best forward wherever you are you will attract love.  At first it may be in the form of a friendship.  Many times what begins as a friend might bloom into something more intimate.  Allowing yourself the space and comfort to just live your life in a loving way is all that one needs to do in order to attract love.  Forcing it by joining an expensive dating service or a sight on line may very well block your energy and the person that is close by you that wants to approach you with compassion and love.

Being the person you would like to meet is key to finding love.  Love yourself to the highest level and do that the things you should be doing to be healthy, happy and whole.  Buy yourself flowers, take yourself out to dinner, create a home that is beautiful and travel the world.  Don't wait until someone comes along to do the loving things you can already be doing for yourself.  Live fully, live in joy, enjoy the little things in life and spend time doing the things you want to do with someone else by yourself.  Live in the highest vibration and you will automatically attract someone wonderful into your life.  Let that person find you in a cafe in Spain sipping an espresso coffee and wearing a silk pleated skirt.  Love yourself and you will attract love.

Love is organic.  Love is pure.  Love is natural.  Love is spontaneous and romantic.  Most of all love is natural and happens to us because we are expressing light and joy.  Love comes to us.  We do not have to go looking for it.  Love is not something we can force but rather something we enforce in us. You don't have to look for love because if you are living in love then love will come to you.  If you are living in joy, love will find you and if you are healthy and whole alone then love will come forward and match that which you are.
Dedicated to my daughters: Camille Marie and Taina Luz 

In Light and Love,
Coach Elliott Maximo Collazo


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