The Goddess Feminine

I recall a conversation with a friend of mine whom I know is a feminist where I shared me view about  the goddess energy.  One of the things I shared from my heart was that I felt as though women have a power men do not and that it comes from the goddess energy.  As the conversation continued to unfold she said to me; "I never viewed it that way".  I was shocked but at the same time realized that like many women she too had been shamed about her  inner and outer feminine goddess and that in some way she was taught to suppress it out of that same shame and fear that others have instilled.  I shared other views about the power of the goddess and the way that the goddess is able to navigate otherwise difficult situations by being soft and empowered inside.  Each moment felt like an "aha" moment for her and at the end of the dialog she thanked me.  Although I have always known the power of the goddess it felt as though sharing my loving observations helped her to retrieve her inner goddess in a way that was positive and empowering. I will share some of this with all of you in hope that not only women will read this, but that they will share it with men, from a man's perspective.

I have known the goddess is empowered since childhood.  My great-grandmother and grandmother were both empowered goddesses.  Above it all they had this certainty of knowing and a confidence that was unspoken because instead of saying it they did it all.  The ease with which my grandmother did things and said things was noticeable and something to be witnessed.  Never once did she have to say she was empowered, I knew it by her actions.  Her mother lived with her and what I recall most vividly was the fact that she shut her door every night to pray, often times lighting candles on a dresser that looked more like an alter with candles and pictures and a rosary.  My great grandmother would sit on the porch waiting for me to get home from school in the Spring and Summer every day of the week.  In the winter she would be looking out of the window for my arrival.  Her nurturing nature made me feel entirely loved but more than that it demonstrated that the goddess was love.  It was both their self-assured attitudes, the way they resolved things and their nurturing love that made me sure that the goddess feminine is not just a lady but a state of being, that a woman can do anything and still be a goddess.

So many women have been shamed for being a woman, a goddess energy or feminine.  So many men have shamed women for being who they are or taken advantage of the loving kindness of the goddess.  Some women have been taught at an early that they should or might even prefer to suppress the inner feminine because that was "weak".  Whatever the negative reason to conceal their inner goddess there are women who have admitted openly that honoring that energy was and is scary.  We can even sight the violence against women as a message that being a woman is being a target of violence and hence that becoming the reason not to express that part of her.  The truth is that a woman is a goddess and that there is nothing to hide or be shamed about.  The fact is that the goddess energy is empowered and nurturing and that there is absolutely nothing that needs to be held back or disposed of.  Yet in my work with women this has been an underlying question: "How can I be a woman and still be respected and treated like an equal?"  My heart breaks when I hear this because for many of the women I have coached there is this underlying desire to live fully in the goddess energy with a sense of abandon and to know that this has nothing to do with being weak or submissive.  When each one of them has moved fully into their goddess they begin to understand just how joyous that can be because it is about accepting who they are and taking back a part of them that has profound meaning.

I would not blame any woman for questioning my opinions or observations about women.  I myself have thought: "Who are you Elliott to help women own who they are?"  i have uncovered that I was selected by goddess and that I am not to question it but to take the journey and accept my role as a man who is here to mentor and love women.  As a father of two women and 3 granddaughters I have learned that I have a place in the lives of loving women and that this is an experience and gift bestowed upon me.  I no longer question my role but rather embrace it.  Each and every time i speak to a woman I know that this is part of my life lesson and that each of them is my teacher.  I am honored by the gift that goddess has given me, the gift of co-creating with women and the opportunity to nurture them the way they have nurtured me.  And so I end this blog by sharing that the power of the goddess is not one we would like to underestimate or downplay but rather embrace and celebrate.  To the women I love I want to say this.  Take your goddess power back, celebrate your goddess inside and out and let everyone know that there is something very special about being a woman.

Dedicated to the women of: "The Fierce 50 Revolution" 


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