Everyone Wants To Cash In

I'm in the process of buying a home and realizing anew what a crazy endeavor this is. Everyone wants to make money and not only do you pay through the nose for everyone to get a
part of the action you can bet that it will be thousands starting with the 5% the realtor makes and closing costs that can be as high as 5000 dollars for things only the attorney understands. Then there is attorney fees of 400-600 dollars and we won't even talk about what is involved when you are ready to buy your next home! Omg! It's simply outrageous! The anxiety and tension could kill a person.

Here are some tips I want to share with all of you about buying and selling:
1. Don't necessarily believe that the asking price is what the realtor suggests. They normally want to sell a home fast and will lower the asking price so as to sell it quickly.
2. Interview a few realtors, ask them to bring comps and ask them what they think about what you want (not them) for your home.  Determine if this person is a good fit for you. Note their confidence level in getting you what you want for your home and question their suggested price.
3. Stage your home and get all your personal pictures put away. A professional staging will cost you but  will pay off  in the long run. Make your home look like a model home with consumable colors and style that most people will relate to.
4. Keep your home very organized and clean and free of any clutter during the sale of it.
5. Don't take comments about your home personal. I in fact asked my realtors not to share negative comments with me.
6. Start to detach from your home. Be aware that soon it will not be your home and take the attitude that it is not yours as of the date it is placed on the market. Better to detach ahead of time.
7. Start packing ahead of time if you have a basement to place the boxes in hiding.  The more you get completed before the move the less stress for you.
8. If you are decided that your buying start looking for your new home. Be very careful not to give any earnest money unless you are sure of the new home looking at it at least two or three times inside and out. Enlist someone to go with you if you don't have a partner, someone that will see what you may miss. Don't get pushed into buying by your realtor or giving any earnest money until YOU are sure!
9. Hire your attorney ASAP and interview them or select them from at least three. I found one that did the job for 300.00 which beat two others at 395.00 and 400.00. Shop for the bargain. Closing a sale does not take a rocket scientist lawyer, just one experienced in realestate.
10. Take your time. Everyone around you will make it seem urgent that you hurry but that's because often times they are in a hurry to make their cut of the money!
Buying and selling can be stressful and the one thing I'd recommend is to take some down time and sleep on it. Get rested because frankly you will need it. Happy home shopping!
Coach Elliott


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