The Power of the Woman

As some of my friends and family know I have a lot of women friends.  It seems that I have been attracted to women all my life and even fascinated to be perfectly honest.  I find women to be fuller in their personalities and their view of life as well.  I also feel that women are powerful as a group, although there is still much to be said about equal pay for equal jobs.

Despite what may happen around them, women tend to be able to handle it.  They survive sexual abuse, emotional abuse and physical abuse and most of the time they continue to live a productive and beautiful life.  In one instance I spoke to a friend and found out that her older brother had sexually abused her for many years of her life.  I barely responded to her sharing this information with her when she said: "Oh, I have already forgiven him, that was a long time ago".  I then discovered that she speaks to her brother on a regular basis.  Her feelings were that holing a grudge and focusing on it was not in her highest good.  I was stunned while at the same time reminded of the power of women.

My own grandmother ran our home where me and my siblings lived for many years along with our mother who was in my view emotionally ill.  Her divorce had devastated her.  During those years as a child up until I was 12 there was one example of empowerment after the other with my grandmother. At every turn she made a decision about many life situations and issues that impacted us all, financial and emotional.  Her day consisted of making sure that all things in related to keeping a home in order were addressed and resolved.  Every day it was like observing a person who was like a goddess warrior that aligned everything in such a way that I knew that I would be taken care of and safe.  I joke that had it not been for her I'd be in jail.  I not only did not go to jail, I have three degrees and have lived a great spiritually based life.

My own daughter is like a hero to me.  Every day is this routine that she usually orchestrates like a symphony, making sure the kids eat, taking them to school, working a full day and then picking them up and finally going to the grocery store and cooking.  Then It is time to help with homework and address bedtime at about 8pm.  She starts over every day and does it usually with a smile.  For some people one or two of these tasks are enough.  Yet for her it is all in a days work.  What I am most fascinated with is that she rarely complains and sees the good in situations and issues that might come up.  Luckily she has a partner who is cooperative and collaborates with her.  With that said she really is the person who orchestrates the show and everyone knows it.

I have a good friend that like me is dealing with cancer.  She has been fighting the battle for over ten years.  When I met her she and I were at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego.  We were both there to cleanse and eat raw for a week.  It' s a great program but not for the weak a heart.  After that I volunteered to become what is referred to as a missionary for OHI.  When I arrived I was pleasantly surprised to see her there and found that she and I had volunteered for the same period of time.  For weeks I had the pleasure of her company and her raw and beautiful sense of humor.  I sometimes laughed until I could not laugh anymore.  She had the sun behind her all the time and rarely if ever complained about her illness.  She was always asking me how I felt and always showed concern and compassion for me.  Her empowerment invited me to see things with more light and joy and her artwork as an artist expressed that light and joy in it's colors and subject matter.  Today she continues to be a source of light and joy for me by calling me and by being a wonderful and attentive friend and what I honor in her is her ability to take adversity and turn it into something funny.

Not to long ago I saw a documentary about a woman who turned her situation with cancer into a comedy routine.  One would never think that a person would take something so serious and make it into a series of jokes that were genuinely funny and about everything from losing her hair to chemo, but she did and did so with ease.  It did not mean she did not go through some bad times.  It did not mean that she had not gone through the fire of radiation like I did, or cry and be brought to her knees.  It did mean that she was a brave heart and that she took the good with the bad.  I witnessed the power of a woman who not  only handled her situation, she used it to find more joy in her life and share that laughter with others.

My great grandmother was likely the single most peaceful and centered woman ever.  She had very long white hair and each day she waited for me to get home from school on the front porch to greet me.  She rarely spoke but when she did it was meaningful.  I learned that her power came from speaking only when it was needed and that it had more impact when one does not spend so much time in idle chatter.  Se was empowered by her source God and each night she prayed prior to bed time.  She died in her sleep and on that day I knew that she had a special power inside of her just like the others women in my life.


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