Five Old Tricks Men Use

Men have some very old tricks that they have been using since the land before time.  Women are sometimes so honest that they expect men to be the same when in fact many men are not.  Many women have shared that men are one way when they are romancing them and less than a year later they don't recognize them, and this is because there are some basic ways men trick women into falling into a relationship with them:

1.  Overexcessive compliments
2.  Romantic Starters
3.  Making you feel sorry for them
4. Depicting their life as perfect
5.  Lying about what they do for a living or embellishing

It is always nice to get a compliment, however men who shower you with so many compliments it feels odd or uncomfortable is a sign that you are being dupped.  Men who cannot stop complimenting you on how beautiful you are and how wonderful you are may be setting you up.  Later these men will stop complimenting you and in fact at times begin to insult you.  Overly attentive men who are constantly saying how much they love you and how wonderful you are will likely change to the other extreme.

Men who are very romantic and say it on thick will much of the time lose that romance as quickly as it started.  Again it is exaggerated and seems like overkill.  This is  when you know it is a strategy or a trick of sorts.  Romance is something that is natural and will feel comfortable as time goes on.  Men who know their place will romance you as you go along and do things in ways that are natural and will feel natural to you.

An old trick men use is the feel sorry for me trick.  They have a story about how though life is or them and they often times tell you how bad they have it at home with their current wife.  Men who tell you stories about their life that is sad, unhappy or difficult are setting the stage for what will be a bad situation.  They are men who are unhealed and who often times have not been to therapy for their issues.  Issues that will come forward very soon.

I had this situation with a man who stated that his life was like "Leave it to Beaver".  He depicted his family as the nicest people in the world and his mother as a saint.  As it turned out his mother was a monster and his family had their share of bigots and racists.  As it turned out the family was nothing like what he described them, at ALL.  Men who depict their life as this perfect life are often times men who are dysfunctional and are covering it up by pretending that their life was  perfect.  The clue is that no one's life is perfect.

Lying about what they do for a living is the classic trick with men.  A man who will make believe he is someone successful when he is unemployed is classic.  The stories about men who have lied about their professional life are rampant.  I will never forget the man who convinced his wife he was an executive CEO and graduated from Harvard.  He even rigged a fake degree.  In the meantime he was actually leaving the home with his wife to rob banks.  This went on for years.  To her dismay she found out about his true "profession" many years later when he was finally caught and arrested.  She could not believe it and she went from living a life of the rich and famous to losing everything because all the things she thought she owned were no longer hers.  Men lie and it is a good idea to take a closer look at someone before you get in too deep.  IF it sounds too good to be true it is likely not.

Not all men are alike.  There are however a percentage of men who have turned tricks into an art.  Knowing the signs of men like this will help you to not fall into the same trap that millions of women have fallen into.  There are flags and early signs and being a good observer is key.  Pay close attention.  Use that intuition that women have.  Take your time and take the time to get to know him.  If his stories seem odd they are likely scripted and the yellow flags are already evident.  Staying in relationships like this with men is a horrible mistake.  There are many good men in the world and if your selective you will find a loving person who is honest and truly cares about you.


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