Games Men Play: The Signs

Men will and have played emotional games with women forever.  Women need to know who they are inside and be confident.  They also need to know what the games are that men play.  This awareness is essential when dating and choosing a man that is serious minded and who has good intentions.  Often times it is difficult to figure out the games men play, especially when you are a young woman starting to date or a woman who has little experience dating.  Either way here are some games men play:

The Charm You to Lay You Game: 
Men pretend to like you and even be overwhelmed by you in order to get you to have sex with them.  They will use language that makes you believe you are very special and that they are literally falling for you.  Some may even say things like "I think I am falling in love with you/falling for you".

The Still Looking at  Girls Game: 
Men will test drive you and at the same time they are looking around for other women.  They will make you think your the only one when in fact they knew very well you are not.  These men change girls like they change their underwear and are not boyfriend  material least of all husband material.

The For Now Game: 
These men do not commit but still make certain to lead you on.  In their mind you are good enough for now but they are again still looking to see if they can find something better.  These men will say things that equate to them just not being sure right now about the relationship.  You are in essence their for now woman and they demonstrate it to you by not calling for days on end.

The Leave You To Manipulate You Game: 
This game involves a man leaving you in intervals  The game involves breaking up with you and then calling and saying things to you like "I miss you so much" and "I wish we could be together but...".  This game brings up your insecurities and abandonment issues when they leave so when they finally call you jump at the chance to make up.  This goes back and forth for months if not for years.  In the interim they are laying about with other women.  A sure sign that this could NOT be "the one".  There is  song called "Break up to make up".  The lyrics are: "break up to make up that's all you do.  First you love me then you hate me that's a game for fools".

The Romance Game: 
This is the game men play in order to make you think they are romantic.  They will buy you flowers and give you a card with lovely thoughts inside but in reality that romance does not last more than a few months, maybe a year.  Once they have you they don't think they need to be romantic anymore and in fact are the furthest thing from romantic.

The games men play may not be limited to men but unfortunately men are more likely to play games.  In seven years  with women of every size, shape and color I have received the aforementioned complaints about men.  There is a tendency for men to play games even though they sometimes don't realize it.  Although it's a peragotive for men to be or not be serious with one woman they don't tell the truth from the start.  Instead they lead woman on and tell them things they believe they want to hear.  As men we must be in more of an awareness and a place of honesty.  Women only ask for men to be sincere and not play game with them.  As my mentor Iyanla Vanzant has often said "Tell the truth!"  This is what women want to hear is the truth.


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