Your Ego Plays You

Today I was reading from the "Course in Miracles" and in each of the paragraphs we read there was something pertinent and much of it was about the ego.  The ego mind is the one that taps you on the shoulder and sends you messages that are not just deceiving they are not in your best interest.

The ego tries to convince us that we need more things, that people are disconnected from us, that we are too good for some people or that or lives are not enough as they are.  The ego steals our gratitude and plays tricks on us.  It is the subconscious mind where the ego thrives and lives a life of distraction and hate.  We fall for the ego because we are not focused on what is important.  We are more focused on what we can manipulate and who we can manipulate.

The ego runs a muck inside those of us who don't live with intention and who don't understand that what really runs our life is our spirit.  The ego does not recognize any other form of fight other than our connection to spirit, to mankind and to every natural thing that surrounds us.  The battle is only when we forget who we are and what we are here for: love.  Love overwhelms the ego and as  result it takes a rest, but not for long if we don't understand that the spirit must be at work at all times and that it is our decision to stay in the light that calls upon us.

Egomaniacs are the people who attempt to control every aspect and person in their life because they believe in nothing, never mind their own soul.  People who are disconnected with spirit and with their inner feelings Spirit drives us to live a life that is authentic while the ego tells us that we must pretend , be in fear and live a life we make up, one that we think will make others like us.  In the end it is useless energy spent because others can see right through us when we are not who we say we are or when we are not our authentic self.

Some will say that the ego has it's place in our life.  I have not had that experience.  I have only had the experience that living my life without my soul invested in it is a life not worth living and that the ego is just a chatter that is constantly talking to you to make you feel insecure and make decisions that are based on hate, jealousy or greed.  We might only look at the persons in jail for white collar crimes and other petty crimes to know how the ego works and enslaves us into making bad decisions.

Spirit is our salvation.  Love is our intention for this life.  Kindness is a given and serving others is a pleasure, or should be.  When we live with intent we live with the intent to be the best we can be and do the best we can do. You must seek your heart in order to gather up the ego mind and simply throw it out.  It does not have any use but to make you uncertain about who you are and why you are here.  When the ego begins to speak to you, don't answer.

Love, Life, Live, Laugh, Sing, Dance and know you are a part of something.


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