
Here is my own lame attempt at evaluating a movie on Netflix so if you have this at home read carefully because this is my first.

The movie is called: Eat With Me: ****

This movie is gay oriented for those of you who may be offended although it is not graphic.  Just as one might guess Eat With Me has a direct connection in the movie.  About an Asian man who is not out and his mother who is not so keen about gays.  A neighbor who is a great actress: Tomay and  boyfriend who is hot.  The story line would not seem to be of interest and I was frankly riveted because of the more normal way they depict gay  men, versus the stereotype of a gay man.

I would say that this movie gave gay romance a more wholesome and normal twist.  It made me feel like someone in the movie industry gets it.  Even the beautiful friendship between woman of a different time and space captured my heart.

I would give "Eat With Me" 4 out of 5 stars and would base it on great acting, interesting story line, romantic and and a quick paced movie.   I absolutely loved it.


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