Make Things New!

Sometimes in life we must throw out the old and makes things new.  It is not easy to make these new but when we do we create a new beginning.  Making things new means looking at every area of your life and saying: "I am not that story".  Making things new means changing what has not been working for you for years.  It is unfortunate but once we make something a babit, good or bad, we tend to stick to it for a long time.  Something in our "DNA" likes us to do things that we are use to and comfortable with.  Things that don't require us to think or to make any extra effort.  We become stagnant and we do so by doing the same thing repeatedly thinking we are someday going to get a different result.   What we know is that when we keep doing things the same way we don't get different results.

Take a different route to work.  Take the 56 bus and walk the rest of the way.  Ride your bike to work.  Change your route and your mode of transportation.  Taking a different route to work will expose you to a different scenery even if it takes ten minutes more to get there.  Change your route every few days just to break it up.

Say yes to an invitation to do something you'd not normally do.  Go on a hike or ride a scooter.  Get on the back of a motorcycle.  Say yes to doing something you have not done before.  It does not matter what just that it be something you have not experienced or have not done in a long time.  Get out of the "rut" as they say.

Paint something in you house like a dresser, a table or a wall.  Make your home new by adding a vase or a beautiful candle to use while you bathe.  It can be the smallest thing like a ruby red bowl for your kitchen or an orange frying pan.  I love painted furniture and especially in a flat finish.  Even painting a wood tray can be a fun and new way of changing things up in your environment.

Get a sign and hit your local downtown area that says "free hugs".  Experience what it is like to be fearless and take a chance.  Experience what it is like to touch a stranger and bring some joy to a lonely person.  If you live in a large city and feel intimidated take a ride to a nearby suburb where you may feel less stress around doing something you have not done before.

Making things new gives one a feeling of newness.  It is good for your souls and good for the mind.  Repeating the same things over and over can be boring and after a while become stifling.   Tomorrow when you get up decide to yourself that this day will be new and different.  Different is new and newness is refreshing to the mind.  Find out what the word newness in your life represents.  Figure out what you need to do that is new for you.  IF you are having some challenges figuring it out, ask a friend to help you to communicate what they think might be a fresh idea.

Your new life starts now.  Pull out that dress or suit that you have not worn and this time wear  shorts with it.  Go get yourself a skate board and helmet and try skate boarding.  Wear a piece of beautiful fabric as a skirt.  Put on some large earrrings with lots of colors.  Put a feather on the brim of your hat.  Make things new.


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