Emotional Absence

Today is a day for emotional self-talk and a talk about emotional absence.  I was up earlier than usual this lovely sunny day, 6 am to be precise.  My heart felt heavy and I began since my wake up call by Goddess I have sat here wondering why I have been tapped on my shoulder so early and been asked to address my own emotional cut off never mind that of others in my life.  At first I started to get upset at other people for what I deem their emotional cut off of me and their lack of support but it is more about me than it is about them.  It is my invitation to others that each of them is responding to.  When I  pretend they pretend.  When I say I am OK they say they are OK with it.  When I cut my emotions off they cut theirs as well.  The universe and it's people are responding to me according to how I respond to me and to the universe and it's people.

God has an emotional investment in me and in everyone else that is his child.  I am his child and that is at the core of what I need to know today, what I need to accept today and what I intend to own today.  God is emotionally present even when I am not and he is emotionally present even when others are not.

At the bottom of the life line is that when others are not emotionally present they are likely responding to our own emotionally absent state.  It goes back to our "getting what we give".  It is people responding to us in a way that we respond to ourselves.  Even if someone is not being emotionally connected to us when we need that connection we cannot control that or heal their lack of emotion, their fear around emotion and what they learned is safe about showing and being in their emotions.  We can only address our own emotional aspects and even at that we may need to turn it over when we are ourselves cannot address the reason we are so out of touch.  This requires us to believe that we have a source and that we can access support from that source, whatever that looks like to us.

So today I ask myself: "Who is really emotionally absent"?  Is it the other folks in my life or is it really me?  Is it my partner, my sister, my brother, my friend or is it me?  The answer for me is that it is more likely that I am creating an emotional cut off from others because somewhere inside of me I am emotionally absent from myself and even if I did not initiate it,  I cannot control anyone else's emotional cut off and I should not want to control it.  When others are emotional cut off I realise that my job is to protect my own heart and become more present for myself and others.

When you feel emotionally cut off by someone else what do you do?  Why?
How is your reacting to them working for you?  Is it the best way to address it?
When you start to feel emotionally cut off by someone else what can you do better?
What are the ways that you need and want to be more emotionally present?  Why?
If you were to express your deepest emotions to God or source what would you say right now?
How do you ask for support when you ask for it?
What can you do right now to be more emotionally connected with the people you love or need that connection with ?
If your emotions were art what would that look like?   Create that art piece with pictures/markers/other art media.


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