Remember what Don Miguel Ruiz said: "Don't take anything personal".  Try not to take someone else's emotional baggage and make it about you or make it your fault.  It is likely that the person acting out the emotional murder is acting out of his or her own inability to be present and to allow their feelings to flow.  In the end it if our decision to make whether we would like to stay in a relationship with anyone who is an emotional killer and withholds love to get us to comply.  It isn't easy to let go but when if nothing esle we need to know that self-love is the most important kind of love we need.
Who in your life was an emotionaly bully and withheld love from you?
How did you survive that emotional murnder?
What emotional games have you played and with who and why?
What can you do to shift when emotional abuse is present in your life?
Write about what it looks like to be emotionally present and emotionally loving:


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